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School Appeal

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  • Jennie77
    started a topic School Appeal

    School Appeal

    We have moved into a new area and have just be declined preferred school place for our daughter in Y4. At Fair access we were given a catholic school . We did not want our daughter to be brought up in the catholic faith .
    when we enquired as to why we were told all the schools were over by3 and it could have been down to sen needs children in the school . They couldn’t be specific so I asked for the data that was used for the decision and the actual reasons for the decision . I was told nobody had ever asked for that before . I was later told i would need to do a FOI request .

    We have appealed on the basis that our daughter has joined local claims and made friends in the preferred school in order to make the move easier . Also that the school uses learning tools that she is familiar with and suits her way of learning . It’s our closest school . Do we have a chance at appeal ?

    also the appeal will not be heard until Sept which makes it even more difficult .

    any advice would be very welcome .
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  • PallasAthena
    You have followed the correct procedure and appealed to an IAP (Independent Appeal Panel) against refusal to give you a place at your preferred school. At that appeal the school will have to explain why it couldn't offer your daughter a Y4 place and will have to supply supporting data. Whoever told you to submit a FOI request is talking nonsense. It all has to be provided to you in the school's paperwork for the IAP hearing.

    Just because the year group at the school is over PAN (it's Published Admissions Number) doesn't mean the IAP can't give a place to your daughter.

    Unfortunately the timing of when you moved into the area is very unhelpful for you for school admissions. They have to hear your appeal within 30 school days and at this time of year that takes you into September.

    Have you asked the Local Authority school admissions team which other schools in the area have vacancies for September?

    Catholic schools are state schools; they have a Catholic ethos but don't teach children to be Catholics. In Catholic primary schools in my area most of the children are not Catholics.

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