I am acting as Litigant in person during my ongoing divorce, my Ex's solicitor is suggesting that on my Form E I need to disclose all of my pension information even from before I was married which it seems the google searches would suggest is not the case.
To give the full situation, this is my 2nd marriage that broke down a year ago after 17 years, my first marriage was 10 years. Before this marriage I had a number of pensions including a Military pension which I accrued during my 1st marriage. during my 2nd marriage for 3 years I was enrolled in the LGPS whilst working for a local council as part of this the LGPS allowed me to fetch old pensions into the same scheme so several pensions I accrued before this 2nd marriage were commuted into the LGPS this did not include the military pension but did include 3 other pensions including 7 years pension whilst working for British Rail so the largest part of the LGPS is made up of this 7 years plus a further 8 years of other pensions.
So 2 questions? - Is her solicitor correct saying she can make a claim on my pensions earned before we were married? Secondly if not how would I go about coming to a settlement figure on the LGPS given only 3 years of this was built up during our marriage?
My first wife never worked so never built up a pension so I would assume she would have a claim on the pensions I accrued with her whereas my 2nd wife worked throughout our marriage and would have built up a good pension having worked for a major bank and for the NHS.
To give the full situation, this is my 2nd marriage that broke down a year ago after 17 years, my first marriage was 10 years. Before this marriage I had a number of pensions including a Military pension which I accrued during my 1st marriage. during my 2nd marriage for 3 years I was enrolled in the LGPS whilst working for a local council as part of this the LGPS allowed me to fetch old pensions into the same scheme so several pensions I accrued before this 2nd marriage were commuted into the LGPS this did not include the military pension but did include 3 other pensions including 7 years pension whilst working for British Rail so the largest part of the LGPS is made up of this 7 years plus a further 8 years of other pensions.
So 2 questions? - Is her solicitor correct saying she can make a claim on my pensions earned before we were married? Secondly if not how would I go about coming to a settlement figure on the LGPS given only 3 years of this was built up during our marriage?
My first wife never worked so never built up a pension so I would assume she would have a claim on the pensions I accrued with her whereas my 2nd wife worked throughout our marriage and would have built up a good pension having worked for a major bank and for the NHS.