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My manager changed my contract

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  • My manager changed my contract


    I'm new to legalbeagles so forgive me for my waffle.

    I was a Shared Lives carer (foster carer for adults) self employed contracted to a local authority. I was given a dodgy placement which I questioned as the client was unsuitable with my 4 year old. To cut a long story short the council failed to provide a risk assessment saying he didn't need one, which was against procedure. I raised my concerns about his physical force with my son and I was asking for an immediate risk assessment and nothing happened and they wouldn't remove him. The inevitable happened within a few days and he seriously assaulted my son. I phoned duty to have him removed.

    Duty took 8 hours to send a third party to remove him, not social services.
    They didn't look to safeguard my son at all before or after.
    They put me under investigation for the next 9 months with no formal allegation and no conclusion.
    By this time I was very ill with stress related surgery, very high blood pressure and resigned as soon as their report arrived (after threatening legal action to obtain it).

    I'm suing them now and they have sent my solicitor certain documents including placement agreements for my last two clients. I had told him I signed 3 page documents which were both taken by my manager and I was never given a copy. When we received the agreements they were both 15 pages long, client information was identical for two completely different clients with different needs, social workers hadn't signed them, the social worker named on one wasn't yet the social worker on the agreement (she started three months after), I was described on both of having experience with a totally different client group I have never worked with and one of my clients who had no hearing or speech was banded as being able to communicate in speech with no additional needs.

    There are many aspects of failure in procedure, placement and protocol by the LA, but what could happen about these placement agreements? Is this criminal or civil territory? How would this unexpected twist affect my case?

    Thank you.
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  • #2
    Re: My manager changed my contract

    No idea. Sorry but none of this is employment law. You were self-employed and had a client position - you provided a service. As you have a solicitor, this would be the obvious place to turn to get advice on the situation.


    • #3
      Re: My manager changed my contract

      I'm asking [MENTION=49370]Kati[/MENTION] to move this to a more appropriate forum perhaps Social Welfare, Health and Benefits or


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