You are dismissed from your job with immediate effect just prior to pay day in month 1.
You are given 4 weeks Payment in lieu of notice which is paid as normal, into your bank account, on pay day in month 2.
You are given a Payslip for month 2.
You are given a P45 which states your last day of employment was month 1 but, all payments for month 2 are included in the figures.
My question is, did your employment stop in month 1, or was you still employed until the end of month 2?
You are given 4 weeks Payment in lieu of notice which is paid as normal, into your bank account, on pay day in month 2.
You are given a Payslip for month 2.
You are given a P45 which states your last day of employment was month 1 but, all payments for month 2 are included in the figures.
My question is, did your employment stop in month 1, or was you still employed until the end of month 2?