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Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

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  • Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)


    I work for a UK registered company in the Middle East, the HO is in the UK, Divisional HO is in the US and the regional Office in the UAE, I was recruited through the UAE office from the UK. I believe I am about to be made a scapegoat for a contractual issue of which I was not included in when it was set up at the beginning (a lot of money is at stake). I think I will lose my job and really cannot afford to as it will make me bankrupt within months due to previous periods of unemployment.

    I need to know how I can address this issue when it happens as it is simply unjust. A UK company, in the UAE, my work is not in the UAE, I am a UK citizen classed as an overseas expatriate worker. I have a contract and have been with the company for over a year, I have had PDP and all was fine on the performance side.

    That's it in broad brush, any help would be appreciated.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

    I think we'll need more info to help you.
    The company is UK registered, with the HO here.
    That should mean that normally UK Law should apply to your employment.
    How long have you been employed for this firm?

    I can see difficulties with the "recruited through the UAE office". What does that mean?
    Did they offer you the job?
    Subject to what terms and conditions?
    Where have you been working?
    What is the "contractual issue"?


    • #3
      Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

      They are a major international company based in the UK, so UK registered yes

      Since Dec 13
      The UAE office is the regional head office for the ME, they advertised the position, recruited me, onboarded me.
      I work 6 weeks on 2 weeks off at home, all flights and life support included, only paid for days in country (Iraq), I am an employee, completed probation, now it is 3 months notice to terminate, from me to them and vice versa.

      As part of the contractual needs a secondary service has to be provided for the work to function, this secondary service was back charged generating millions in free cash because of the mark up, this has been identified and will be stopped, this free money was a huge part of the regional profit for the next year, someone will take a hit for this and I think it will be me, even though I was not involved in the setting up nor had any knowledge of the accounts side until now.


      • #4
        Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

        I do appreciate why you're being reticent with the details, but I don't think we'll be able to help you with what you have written so far.
        If the UAE office recruited you, was that recruitment subject to UK Law?
        You don't have sufficient service to qualify for a Tribunal hearing, if they dismiss you.
        The secondary service is unclear, but I'm not sure it's relevant to your position. They may dismiss you and it would then be for you to argue your case in court, should you decide to bring an action. Since the employer seems to be based in the UAE, i think that would be very difficult.


        • #5
          Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

          Hi Sean, thank you for your reply, I would feel more comfortable if I could PM the bigger picture and details to you as opposed to all the facts being able to be seen by all? Is this possible I am new to this site.


          • #6
            Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

            Yes mate.
            Click on my name above and you'll see the PM facility.
            I undertake not to disclose anything you PM me about, and will give you relevant advice on the public part of the Forum.


            • #7
              Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

              Thank you for sending me a PM, which I read. As stated, I won't disclose any of the details.
              It all boils down to your initial contract, which I note you said was vague.
              If you are employed under UK Law, you should have the expectation that you will be treated as if employed directly by a UK company.
              The problem is that you don't have any real security of tenure as you've only worked there for 16 months and would need 2 years service to go to Tribunal.
              If I were you, I'd try and pursue a bit more information about your contract of employment. Get them to state your terms of reference, your responsibilities and your accountabilities.
              It's a real mess and can happen when companies recruit someone to work abroad, without knowing exactly what that job entails.
              I'm sorry I can't help you more at present, but keep us informed here and we'll offer you more advice as matters progress.


              • #8
                Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)


                Thanks for replying, basically it sounds like I am out on a limb!


                • #9
                  Re: Overseas employment issues (UK registered company)

                  Hope for the best.
                  Expect the worst
                  Take what comes.

                  You're not out on a limb. I think you're apprehensive and I understand that. Some HR woman (sexist pig, aren't I?) will have tried to put your job description and terms and conditions together, but the speed of appointment, her not being sure exactly what your job entailed and the location abroad haven't helped.
                  Wait and see what develops.
                  Remember that all the pieces will have to be picked up and your current job may eventually be reconstituted and will need doing again in the future. I know what you wrote about the new guy.
                  Wait and see. Come back here and we'll help you, as matters develop.
                  Good luck mate.


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