For the whole time Ive worked for this company one of my managers has never taken to me. I work hard, am a good employee but he focuses on personal faults rather than work ones. Such as what and when I eat (Im not skinny like the other women) he makes jokes about me, inciting his loyal cronies to snigger with him.I hear him talk about other members of staff he doesnt like and using nick names or foul words he will say that they need to be got rid of. Theres more than this obviously but I think the worst was him telling me that I need training..by a dog trainer. Basically he doesnt conduct himself in the way managers should: leave your personal thoughts and opinions out and think about the persons work effort. Ive put up with him and just pretended Ive not seen or heard his sniping and the sniggering to 1. Not react and get myself in trouble 2. So he cant use it to have me taken off his team.
Except yesterday. I did to him what Ive had done. I sprayed perfume and he had a go at me for it. He added that it gets on his chest and he couldnt breathe. I said to my colleague ' thats the idea' he nearly felll off his chair laughing. Another cottoned on and laughed too. The other hadnt heard so they repeated it. Then they laughed. Its nit thst funny I know. When he heard and saw his team...most of them hes known for years laughing at him he was seething. He told me hes noting that against me. I told him that u get what u give. If u cant take it dont give it. He tried to explain and I cut in and said 3 women in here wear enough perfume to knock out an army but u say nothing...but I cant without a comment from u. Ive had enough of his ****. I feel very low.
I would like to know if I did wrong and how to deal with him. I spoke to another manager and his response was that ( off record) he knows what hes like and i need to put a complaint in but he was not v helpful as hes his long time colleague and equal grade. We have no HR.No union btw.
Thanks for any replies.
For the whole time Ive worked for this company one of my managers has never taken to me. I work hard, am a good employee but he focuses on personal faults rather than work ones. Such as what and when I eat (Im not skinny like the other women) he makes jokes about me, inciting his loyal cronies to snigger with him.I hear him talk about other members of staff he doesnt like and using nick names or foul words he will say that they need to be got rid of. Theres more than this obviously but I think the worst was him telling me that I need training..by a dog trainer. Basically he doesnt conduct himself in the way managers should: leave your personal thoughts and opinions out and think about the persons work effort. Ive put up with him and just pretended Ive not seen or heard his sniping and the sniggering to 1. Not react and get myself in trouble 2. So he cant use it to have me taken off his team.
Except yesterday. I did to him what Ive had done. I sprayed perfume and he had a go at me for it. He added that it gets on his chest and he couldnt breathe. I said to my colleague ' thats the idea' he nearly felll off his chair laughing. Another cottoned on and laughed too. The other hadnt heard so they repeated it. Then they laughed. Its nit thst funny I know. When he heard and saw his team...most of them hes known for years laughing at him he was seething. He told me hes noting that against me. I told him that u get what u give. If u cant take it dont give it. He tried to explain and I cut in and said 3 women in here wear enough perfume to knock out an army but u say nothing...but I cant without a comment from u. Ive had enough of his ****. I feel very low.
I would like to know if I did wrong and how to deal with him. I spoke to another manager and his response was that ( off record) he knows what hes like and i need to put a complaint in but he was not v helpful as hes his long time colleague and equal grade. We have no HR.No union btw.
Thanks for any replies.