Hi there, hope you’re all well, I’m within hope of some advice, my human resource manager is refusing to pay me for my absence. He is insisting that during a telephone conversation, he requested me to ring him direct to inform him if I was not able to go back to work, I did not ring him as I do not recall this instruction be giving and instead of ringing him I followed the companies protocol of contacting the agency whom communicate the details of absence to my employer. Now because of this he is saying he is not releasing my wages as I did not follow his so called instruction of contacting him. He argued that he instructed this quite clearly and that when he stated this over the phone that somebody was there to prove his communication, he also went on to add that it was my responsibility to carry out this communication with him direct. Now before my return to work I had several appointments with the company’s physio and the physio and I came to agreement of my return to work on light duties as my injury was at a low pain level at this point. But after this meeting my pain levels of the injury had risen once again and that is when I followed protocol of contacting the agency. When I told the HR manager he said that the physio told him I was able to return, then that is what he expected me to do, and I would have, if my pain level stayed the same, he was basically telling me that he did not believe that my pain levels had risen and that I should of returned. He told me that we will talk further about this on Thursday 11th to resolve this matter, I requested this to be sooner due to the seriousness of the complication, but he denied my request due to the fact he did not see fit to recall my frontline manager in to discuss this out of working hours .
What are your views on this situation and if so, how do a act, I have contacted local solicitors but still awaiting them returning the call. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I hope to hear from someone soon,
kind regards Paul
What are your views on this situation and if so, how do a act, I have contacted local solicitors but still awaiting them returning the call. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I hope to hear from someone soon,
kind regards Paul