Hello everybody, can anyone give me any advice on my employment issues? Right here goes, I have been working for a small business for nearly 3 years now and when I got my first wage I got paid on the Friday at the end of my first week ( I didn't have to work a week in hand ) and this continued for a number of weeks and months without any problem but I had asked them to provide me with wage slips as I hadn't been given any, anyway this took a few months of continually asking for them before I eventually got them up to date. When it came to the end of the tax year I then asked them to provide my end of tax year P60 form, this again took them a few months to sort out and get it too me but I eventually got it. Then later that year my wages went from being paid in to my bank on a Friday to the following Monday as they said they had forgotten to transfer them on the Friday, this then became regular practice and my wages were paid every Monday, then it started being Tuesday, then Wednesday, then Thursday, and now my employers owe me quite a few weeks wages because things have been very quiet at work and I know from the lack of customers coming in to my workplace and the situation with my wages that they are struggling for money, also I have been asking for my wage slips since the beginning of this year and my P60 from the tax year 2013 to 2014 constantly, and I've been fobbed off with various excuses as to why they have not provided me with them, this leads me to believe they might have been avoiding paying my tax and NI contributions. So I have decided enough is enough and I have had to draw I line in the sand as to how long I let this go on for, and as Christmas is just around the corner, and with nearly a months worth of wages owed im going to tell them im not going to work another day for them until I have been paid in full for the wages they owe me, this is my last resort and I feel I don't have anymore options. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do and where I can go from here?