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Employment Issues

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  • Employment Issues


    I wanted to get your advice on workplace issues that have occurred with me this year and see if there is anything I can do.

    a) I was accused of making some controversial comments on a website which I never did - this got back to the person about whom they were about and an investigation was carried out. Subsequently, I was found guilty and given a first warning (the investigating officer, in his OWN words, said, despite the fact I did not make these comments, that I did nothing wrong).

    b) I was off a long time from work because of this, due to stress, as you can imagine. However, during the days after this issue came to light, I felt very accused at work and nobody it seemed, was interested in listening to my side of the story and I was placed in another department as a result of this. I did not feel at home in this environment as it caused problems in terms of accessing facilities on the camp which were important to me and also, I did not feel that the temporary placement was really for me and that I was really accepted, as such, by the people in the new environment.

    c) I was off work until July and I went back temporarily and even then, things did not much improve. The welcome back interview was OK for what it was. I was being picked on for silly things, such as misdirection of packages (the package had NOT been labelled properly), not doing redirection of mail in a certain time frame (the mail had only come in THAT day), not collecting mail from the front of house when I was busy trying to do something else, when they could have easily taken it in and held it for a short period until I was good and ready to pick it up and also, the workplace, despite the fact they had reduced the opening hours of the office, decided on my first day back they would change the hours again soon after, despite the fact I had only gone back and not even seen how I would cope with those hours. My colleague went behind my back and even changed the opening hours again, consulting my line manager, without discussing it with me first because I think they were annoyed about redirection of mail not being done within a reasonable time, despite the fact the mail had only come in that day and I had already planned to do it within a reasonable period.

    d) Since I was off work, up until July, work have kept in contact with me, doing assessments etc. through occupational health, seeing if I was ok, but since then, support from work has been more limited - for example, six weeks ago, work said they would keep in contact with me, but they haven't. I mean, to put it simply, I had emails from work occasionally to "touch base" with me to see how I was - I mean, how often do they need to keep in contact, because it was my impression it should be regular. It seems to me they've lost interest since July. It seems I'm doing all the chasing, in effect.

    e) In regards to my sick, I assume I would still be paid for built up holidays etc but another issue is, would I be entitled to any notice period pay as well, should they do the somewhat inevitable and decide to retire me from my position within the workplace? What is classed as a reasonable time frame before a workplace acts to relieve someone from their position?

    I'm sorry for so many questions but its very important I know where I stand in regards to these issues.

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  • #2
    Re: Employment Issues

    If you are ill health retired the normal is a months pay with any outstanding holiday entitlement. It can be more, depends what is stated in your contract of employment and length of service


    • #3
      Re: Employment Issues

      I don't think there is a "normal" in these circumstances. If you are a member of an occupational pension, you may be entitled to enhanced benefits. Otherwise, if you are dismissed for health reasons, you will be entitled to whatever notice period your contract entitles you to.


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