I had not long since the incident in Tesco store, I was an employee of the restaurant who were located in Tescoi worked there for two months, the owner of this restaurant is also tesco. Being on a break as always went shopping, the rush I forgot to pay for the one thing that I had in a plastic bag, going to the restaurant which is in Tesco security guards stopped me, I gave them shopping and bills to verify it turned out that I did not pay for a tablet for 7 pounds, not
I was doing the right problems admitted that they actually made a mistake and that it will pay, in a hurry because I was finishing my break. Note the searched me in the restaurant and not the office. Then he took me to the office and called the police explained to them that I wanted nothing hid CCTV recording and testimony received them, the police came and got the mandate despite the fact that it was not fair, this mandate is not a judgment or an admission of guilt. When the police wanted me gone
signed the papers on the prohibition of entering the store and force them, I refused because I am innocent. On the same day I was suspended from work and three days later dismissed on disciplinary grounds without documents, without evidence, witness statements say, I volunteered to Acas, two months later zmienli form of dismissal, on the loss of trust. and the prohibition of entering the Tesco can not work in a restaurant. apology for verbal errors, for lack of a letter of suspension of work, the lack of
evidence for the lack of procedures for administrative errors. It was working on a contract trial do not have any rights and they were honest. I am an immigrant state institutions asked for help but for them wszysto is fine, but when I asked how much it costs even then you could help. 0d six years I worked in England honestly and now three months since I can not find work, it's hard to believe in yourself and justice. I can not claim for discrimination folded down, I had no money, and secondly effective dragging case by Tesco, and their tgzw errors deprived me opportunities I would like to .but civil lawsuit to court .czy anyone know if I did not sign the agreement for the ban on entry to the shop is it legal? Artur
I was doing the right problems admitted that they actually made a mistake and that it will pay, in a hurry because I was finishing my break. Note the searched me in the restaurant and not the office. Then he took me to the office and called the police explained to them that I wanted nothing hid CCTV recording and testimony received them, the police came and got the mandate despite the fact that it was not fair, this mandate is not a judgment or an admission of guilt. When the police wanted me gone
signed the papers on the prohibition of entering the store and force them, I refused because I am innocent. On the same day I was suspended from work and three days later dismissed on disciplinary grounds without documents, without evidence, witness statements say, I volunteered to Acas, two months later zmienli form of dismissal, on the loss of trust. and the prohibition of entering the Tesco can not work in a restaurant. apology for verbal errors, for lack of a letter of suspension of work, the lack of
evidence for the lack of procedures for administrative errors. It was working on a contract trial do not have any rights and they were honest. I am an immigrant state institutions asked for help but for them wszysto is fine, but when I asked how much it costs even then you could help. 0d six years I worked in England honestly and now three months since I can not find work, it's hard to believe in yourself and justice. I can not claim for discrimination folded down, I had no money, and secondly effective dragging case by Tesco, and their tgzw errors deprived me opportunities I would like to .but civil lawsuit to court .czy anyone know if I did not sign the agreement for the ban on entry to the shop is it legal? Artur