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Possible change to employment hours

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  • Possible change to employment hours


    I'm very much acting on a hunch and Chinese whispers at the moment, but want to make sure I know where I stand if this situation does arise.

    I have worked for my employer for 7 months, and work full time - 40 hours per week (Well, actually 42.5 after breaks but only paid for 40 - that's an issue for another day).

    Have never received a written contract of employment, nor any terms or particulars of employment specifying hours, rates of pay, holidays etc. I do however have all payslips showing full time hours worked, and copies of staff rota's showing me as full time, 40 hours.

    The business is small, with 4 full time members of staff including myself and 1 part time.

    It is my understanding that the owner of the business proposes to reduce my hours of work, and increase the part time staff members hours correspondingly. Neither of us is happy with this - myself as it will mean a drastic drop in pay, and the part timer as she only wants a part time position.

    The owner has suggested that he wishes to speak to both myself and the part time person tomorrow once the manager is back, he has not told me what this meeting is to be about - however on my day off he did speak to the part time employee and tell her he wanted her to start to work some of my hours, and ask what hours she was available.

    Just appreciate your thoughts on this situation, Obviously I will seek professional advice if this is what is discussed/proposed tomorrow, but now being forewarned I'd like to be forearmed too if possible.

    Thanks in advance,

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  • #2
    Re: Possible change to employment hours

    Anybody any thoughts on this please?

    I was approached by the owner yesterday and told he will meet with me properly next week. The plan is to add my hours to the part time hours and split equally. Meaning I will drop from 40 hours to 28. This is with immediate effect.

    My part time colleague called last night and has said that she feels intimidated into accepting the hours, even though it would be massively inconvenient for her due to childcare arrangements, which is why she wanted a part time position In the first place.

    Do appreciate any thoughts youay have.



    • #3
      Re: Possible change to employment hours

      Even without a written contract, the hours worked form your contract.

      If the hours are to be varied it can only be with agreement of both (in this case all 3) parties and must be notified in advance anyway.

      Express your concerns together with your colleague at the same time when he asks to meet with you both.

      Ask him for a copy of your contract, you should be provided one.
      Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.



      • #4
        Re: Possible change to employment hours

        Hi Tools,

        Thanks for your reply, and for confirming my own thoughts.

        There certainly won't be agreement from all 3 parties re the proposed change in working hours, which would affect both of our contracts.

        The owner of the business has asked me to put my concerns into writing, so that we may address them during the meeting - with a meeting proposed for the early part of next week (exact timing to be arranged).

        I intend to put an email together to him, asking for a written contract/T&C's of employment as things currently stand, ie. before any proposed changes.

        I will also state that I do not accept any proposed change to my contract at this time, and request proper consultation and discussion. If I was to agree to any change, I would also require adequate notice (not that I intend to, but it shows willing - rather than just an outright "no".)

        Any thoughts on what would be a reasonable period of consultation re changes and also reasonable period of notice for them to come into effect? I was thinking along the lines of a pay cycle - ie. 1 calendar month.

        Thanks again or your input, very much appreciated.



        • #5
          Re: Possible change to employment hours

          Good train of thought, 1 month seems reasonable.

          It may help if you ask to take in the other employee to "accompany" you, and vice versa when they are summoned. The manager does not have to agree to this but would be foolish not to seeing as it involves you both. In either meeting though, just act as witness, do not speak for each other and allow each case to be dealt with separately.
          Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.



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