I made a formal grievance at work in writing to head office.
I made sure Formal was underlined.
As I was off work the manager sent scraps of paper with dates and times for a meeting on, with my girlfriend, who works for same company.
I went to a meeting and told him that it shouldn't be done like this and to leave my girlfriend out of it, and all other letters etc.. should be posted to me.
nothing in meeting was written down by the manager only me,
the manager agreed I was right in what I was saying and agreed a settlement.
he asked me by post to go see him again a few days later, me thinking to sign a non predjuce letter and that would be end of it and I could move on.
all he did was say I wasn't getting a penny off them and if I went press I would be sued and then smirked at me.
I complained to head office and they sent an appeals manager to meet me, I explained everything and all that had gone on.
she then sent me a letter after xmas, saying she agree's with manager and that is the end of it, I have no further to go with my grievance within the company.
she also said that the meetings I had with him were informal and that he stated this in every meeting. to which he didn't as he knew I wanted it formal.
I sent her an email along with proof of all the lies, like he told her that he had never sent any scraps of paper with dates and times on and did everything by post. I sent her copy of scraps of paper with his writing on
along with witness statements and even have 2 other lower down managers on my side.
and all she sent back was, the matter is closed.
what can I do here
can I go to the press as I have proof of lies and bullying etc...
cheers guys any help would be good
I made sure Formal was underlined.
As I was off work the manager sent scraps of paper with dates and times for a meeting on, with my girlfriend, who works for same company.
I went to a meeting and told him that it shouldn't be done like this and to leave my girlfriend out of it, and all other letters etc.. should be posted to me.
nothing in meeting was written down by the manager only me,
the manager agreed I was right in what I was saying and agreed a settlement.
he asked me by post to go see him again a few days later, me thinking to sign a non predjuce letter and that would be end of it and I could move on.
all he did was say I wasn't getting a penny off them and if I went press I would be sued and then smirked at me.
I complained to head office and they sent an appeals manager to meet me, I explained everything and all that had gone on.
she then sent me a letter after xmas, saying she agree's with manager and that is the end of it, I have no further to go with my grievance within the company.
she also said that the meetings I had with him were informal and that he stated this in every meeting. to which he didn't as he knew I wanted it formal.
I sent her an email along with proof of all the lies, like he told her that he had never sent any scraps of paper with dates and times on and did everything by post. I sent her copy of scraps of paper with his writing on
along with witness statements and even have 2 other lower down managers on my side.
and all she sent back was, the matter is closed.
what can I do here
can I go to the press as I have proof of lies and bullying etc...
cheers guys any help would be good