I was made redundant on the 22nd December from a job that I had been in for about 8 months.
I was told that i would receive any monies due in my next pay, which was the 31st December, I received my standard monthly wage for the work I had done that month as normal, but I hadn't been paid my remaining holiday pay I was due on leaving.
I contacted them twice by email with no response, and my was manager also tried to contact the secretary for me. I spoke to her eventually and she said she would 'look into it for me' and didn't hear from her again. I rang her again several times and have got the same response until This Monday I rang her and she said she was processing the payment and it would be in my account on Friday at the same time as everyone's wages. but surprise, surprise, I haven't received anything.
They now owe me nearly £1,000 in holiday pay and some extra hours I did once I had been made redundant.
I'm going to the CAB office on Monday for advice, but was wondering what options I have? Its on my mind and as you can imagine I am struggling with money and need it to live off until I find another job.
if anyone has any advice or experience with anything like this I would really appreciate it!
I was told that i would receive any monies due in my next pay, which was the 31st December, I received my standard monthly wage for the work I had done that month as normal, but I hadn't been paid my remaining holiday pay I was due on leaving.
I contacted them twice by email with no response, and my was manager also tried to contact the secretary for me. I spoke to her eventually and she said she would 'look into it for me' and didn't hear from her again. I rang her again several times and have got the same response until This Monday I rang her and she said she was processing the payment and it would be in my account on Friday at the same time as everyone's wages. but surprise, surprise, I haven't received anything.
They now owe me nearly £1,000 in holiday pay and some extra hours I did once I had been made redundant.
I'm going to the CAB office on Monday for advice, but was wondering what options I have? Its on my mind and as you can imagine I am struggling with money and need it to live off until I find another job.
if anyone has any advice or experience with anything like this I would really appreciate it!