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Absense Policy letter received

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  • Absense Policy letter received

    Hi I would like to know thoughts and opinions on where I stand with the recent letter I have received from my employer this week with regard to absence. Sadly during August 2013 I spent 4 days in hospital whilst 200 miles away on business with a further 4 days at home recovering from a kidney infection - (CT scan reveals all is ok last Sunday) I am not usually a sicknote but i would strongly believe that going through a breakup, selling my house and fighting to have decent contact time with my daughter would be a good indication as to why my health has suffered during 2013. Thanks in advance.

    Dear Barty,

    Following our recent meeting, i would like to formally state our concerns over the increasing levels of absence seen over the last few calendar quarters. Please see below your absence record which shows the percentage of days you were absent in relation to the percentage of days available per quarter.

    Sickness % 01/13 to 03/13 = 0.00
    Sickness % 04/13 to 06/13 = 4.84
    Sickness % 07/13 to 09/13 = 12.31
    Sickness % 10/13 to 12/13 = 3.17

    In the meeting I explained how the company uses the measure of over 3% days absent against available days over two consecutive quarters as a trigger for investigating further reasons for absence. Then any further individual quarters where absence is over 3% after this if no improvement is seen.

    Therefore, in our meeting it was concluded your absence levels were above what is acceptable and an improvement was required. I must also inform you that any further instances where cause for concern is noted due to your absence levels being excess of that outlined above could result in disciplinary action.

    As discussed, I hope things will improve and there will be no further need to discuss this matter again.



  • #2
    Re: Absense Policy letter received

    Where it is a companies policy to monitor absence and set a trigger level this is pretty much a standard letter.

    In support of you, I can understand why you have exceeded the 3% level, hopefully you kept the company informed as to the reasons for your absence, it is in your interests to do so as any decent HR Dept should take your reasons into account as they have a duty of care for your health and wellbeing.

    In support of the company, if they have this policy in place and they apply it fairly and evenly to everyone, even if it is automatically flagged up by number crunching. It alerts the company to any potential or emerging issues an employee or employer may have.

    I have seen an example where it was flagged up that more and more staff from just one specific dept were taking higher than average absence, HR alerted the management and the problem was identified as that depts line manger causing the issue and not the staff themselves. It is a good indicator to see if they are able to resolve any issues you may have, both personally or professionally.

    If you have not already, speak with the person and make them aware that you accept their findings, give reasons for the absences and make assurances ( scans showing all clear now, house now sold? , contact with kids now sorted? ). Also make them aware of any continuing issues (contact with kids not sorted, house not selling etc) and that you will try to keep them informed and work together with them to resolve how it affects your attendance.
    Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.



    • #3
      Re: Absense Policy letter received

      It's as well that you did not die, or they might have felt forced to dismiss you.


      • #4
        Re: Absense Policy letter received

        Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
        It's as well that you did not die, or they might have felt forced to dismiss you.
        This did make me smile. Thank you for your reply tools - much appreciated.


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