As foster carers we made allegations of the child abuse of a toddler who was previously in our care by her prospective adopters. The social worker investigated our complaint and after 2 hours reached the decision that the adoption would proceed. This is despite that fact that we had put in over 8000 hours of dedicated care in her very short life.
Previously, we had raised concerns about another baby in our care who was returned to the care of his abusive father, despite our strongest objections. The father went on to break both the childs legs and arm on Christmas Eve. The injuries were not discovered until February. It was very difficult to live with what happened and we are determined not to let it happen again.
Social Services refused to give us any assurances or discuss Toddler K. We informed Social Services that we were going to the police to report the child abuse and we also told them that we was going to make an application to be party to the proceedings to object to the adoption. Our Fostering Team Manager forbade us from going to the Police or the court. We had no option but to act in toddler K's best interest and reported the child abuse to the Police and successfully applied to the court to become party to the proceedings. In September 2013 before the adoption hearing the adoption team leader of the Toddler K's new Local Council made allegations of breach of confidentiality against my wife and I. As we had 3 foster children in placement these allegations were not acted upon. At the adoption hearing the Local Authority tried to get a gagging order on my wife and I. The Judge ruled that we had not breached confidentiality and stated that she did no have the power to make such an order.
On the 4th November the 3 children in our care moved back to their parents. On the 7th November we was suspended for alleged breach of confidentiality because we approached our Mp, the Police and Medical Staff. We approached the front line medical staff because we was convinced that social services would not inform them about the allegations of the child abuse of Toddler'K' and are suspicions was correct.
An independent social worker reached the conclusion on the 16th December 2013 that we had breach confidentiality. However, she refused to provide us with a copy of the report. Social Services have also refused several requests for a copy of the report. On Saturday wee recieved a letter from Social Services informing us that we are going to be deregistered as foster carers. We have asked several times for a copy of the procedures and rules that we have allegedly broken but they have still not supplied them. If we are deregistered this applies to all fostering agencies.
The front line social worker who investigated our complaint of abuse stated whilst giving evidence under oath that she did not know what the signs of emotional abuse are.
If I was not sat in court when she said it I would not believe it.
We are not legally qualified but once the court has ruled that there has been no breach of confidentiality surely the Local Authority cannot ignore the ruling of the court.
I would be grateful for any helpful suggestions. Resigning is not an option.
Previously, we had raised concerns about another baby in our care who was returned to the care of his abusive father, despite our strongest objections. The father went on to break both the childs legs and arm on Christmas Eve. The injuries were not discovered until February. It was very difficult to live with what happened and we are determined not to let it happen again.
Social Services refused to give us any assurances or discuss Toddler K. We informed Social Services that we were going to the police to report the child abuse and we also told them that we was going to make an application to be party to the proceedings to object to the adoption. Our Fostering Team Manager forbade us from going to the Police or the court. We had no option but to act in toddler K's best interest and reported the child abuse to the Police and successfully applied to the court to become party to the proceedings. In September 2013 before the adoption hearing the adoption team leader of the Toddler K's new Local Council made allegations of breach of confidentiality against my wife and I. As we had 3 foster children in placement these allegations were not acted upon. At the adoption hearing the Local Authority tried to get a gagging order on my wife and I. The Judge ruled that we had not breached confidentiality and stated that she did no have the power to make such an order.
On the 4th November the 3 children in our care moved back to their parents. On the 7th November we was suspended for alleged breach of confidentiality because we approached our Mp, the Police and Medical Staff. We approached the front line medical staff because we was convinced that social services would not inform them about the allegations of the child abuse of Toddler'K' and are suspicions was correct.
An independent social worker reached the conclusion on the 16th December 2013 that we had breach confidentiality. However, she refused to provide us with a copy of the report. Social Services have also refused several requests for a copy of the report. On Saturday wee recieved a letter from Social Services informing us that we are going to be deregistered as foster carers. We have asked several times for a copy of the procedures and rules that we have allegedly broken but they have still not supplied them. If we are deregistered this applies to all fostering agencies.
The front line social worker who investigated our complaint of abuse stated whilst giving evidence under oath that she did not know what the signs of emotional abuse are.
If I was not sat in court when she said it I would not believe it.
We are not legally qualified but once the court has ruled that there has been no breach of confidentiality surely the Local Authority cannot ignore the ruling of the court.
I would be grateful for any helpful suggestions. Resigning is not an option.