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Redundancy - Company Bankrupt

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  • Redundancy - Company Bankrupt


    I went into work on Monday and was told the company has run out of money, we were dismissed immediately without any notice. I had been working there for 8 months, my contract says that the employer should give me 3 months notice if they wish to terminate my contract of employment. I had worked until the 10th of this month and I also had 7 days holiday remaining.

    My concern is that the company has gone bust so they will just disappear and I'll lose any entitlement owed to me. I believe that there is a government backed programme to protect against such circumstance as this?

    How do I stand right now, I read on the gov.uk website that I need to contact an insolvency practitioner which can be found via companies house, I called the number but the person I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about so really not sure where or how to start.

    Any advice or help would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

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  • #2
    Re: Redundancy - Company Bankrupt

    Hi and welcome to LB!

    When a company goes into liquidation, you can claim money that's owed to you through the Insolvency Service. You need to get the details of the insolvency practitioners dealing with the company liquidation. Your employers should have provided you with the necessary forms, but if they didn't, the liquidators should be able to do so. You will need to fill in the forms and send them back to the liquidators. They have a duty to check whether there's enough money in the company to pay you, if not, they will forward them to the Insolvency Service for payment. They do pay out, but it can take some time (up to 3 months in my case).

    The reference to Companies House was because when a company is in liquidation, the name of the appointed practitioners will appear on there.

    You can get unpaid wages, overtime and holiday pay. You won't get any redundancy pay because you hadn't been there for two years.

    Regardless what your contract said, you only get a week's notice per year of employment.

    This is probably the government site you are referring to: https://www.gov.uk/your-rights-if-yo...ey-owed-to-you

    You may want to look at this publication from the Insolvency Service that provides full details: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.g...remployees.pdf


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