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need some advice please

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  • need some advice please

    i recently quit my job, because of manager's talking to me like dog poo
    i did raise this issue with the top manager, who said he would sort it out. (witness was present in meeting)
    i went on holiday for a few weeks and just before my return to work, another employee told me, they had heard my life is gonna be made hell, when i returned.
    i decided to quit the job before i returned to work because it was (before i went on holiday) becoming un bareable and the closer it got to returning to work my nerves were shot etc.....

    i handed in my notice to my department manager on the thursday, and that monday coming i was back at work for my so called last 2 weeks (notice)
    within half hr of starting work, 1 of the managers who was causeing me problems started being crappy towards me. i phoned up the department manager and explained i needed a word with him, to explain that this was becoming a volitile situation.
    i went to his office and no sooner had i got in there, he let rip at me, shouting screaming eyes popping out of his head etc.... saying it must be me etc...... i told him that the so called company does not care about its employee's and walked out of his office.
    i went to the next manager and told them i was leaving work and going to the doctors as i was feeling very un-well. i went my doctors and he took my blood pressure and said it was sky high and he was really concearned about it. my heart was still pounding and he gave me a sick note for 2 weeks.

    I then went through the grievance procedure of typing out a letter to head office and putting it with the company's grievance form, explaining everything that had gone on prior up to the time i went to the doctors.

    at the bottom of the form, there was a section, were the company has to sign and send back to me to confirm they got the grievance.

    i did not get any form of conformation from head office, but my mrs who works for the company also, was approached by the store manager, and asked to ask me if he could do the grievance meeting with me.
    stupidly i agreeded, thinking well he knew before i went on holiday, what had been going on and i would not have to explain everything over and over again.

    he then gave my mrs some dates and times for the meeting to take place and asked for her to give me for me to agree a time and date.

    I went to the 1st meeting with him and he went through my grievance letter/form which he had a copy of from head office.
    he wrote stuff down etc.... and then asked for the person's name, who had told me that my life was going to be hell. as i had been really un well etc... i had forgotten who had told me, so could not give a name.
    he said he would make further investagations and call me back in for the outcome.

    few weeks later he yet again passed on a message to my mrs for me to call him, to arrange a meeting for the outcome.
    I called him and 1st explained to him that, my grievance had not been properly done. i should of had the conformation part of my grievance form sent back to me, and he should really be contacting me by post and not through my mrs. thus getting her involved in matters.
    He then sent me a letter with a date and time to meet to give me the outcome of his investagations

    on the day of the meeting

    he confirmed that the department manager had told him word for word what i had put down on my grievance and apologised profusely and also said this was not very professional
    he then said i hope this can be the end of the matter.
    i then pointed to him part of the outcome i wanted was to have the managers responsible to be re trained, in how to handle situations like this in the future, and also to be paid till the end of the month, as i was forced to quit my job.

    He agreed and said all managers responsible and named in my grievance have been spoken to and steps were being taken to address this ( his words) and also he said as the store manager he would authorise payment for me of wages till the end of the month.
    he then said he would have to call me back in to sign a form, agreeing this would be the end of the matter and i would not divulge any of this etc etc... the normal thing they say. we both agreed and i left.
    few weeks later i was called in by him again, exspecting just a form to sign etc....
    but was i totally wrong.
    as soon as i got in his office he went straight on the defensive and said there would be no payment to me of any money and if i went tot the papers etc.... the company would take me to court and sue me.
    as you can guess i left there in a right foul mood.

    when my mrs came home that night from work, she asked me what had gone on, so i told her, she said why don't i appeal against it and pointed me to the company handbook and showed me i could appeal

    this i did and sent it off to head office
    few weeks later i got a letter from the store manager again asking me to confirm a meeting set for 2nd december, with a grievance manager being flown in to do this.
    this i did in writing sent to the store.

    sorry it went on so long

    so things have not been done by the book by the store manager but also by head office (paperwork)
    also store manager verbally agreed a outcome, then went back on it

    i stuck in what to do next.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: need some advice please

    I wouldn't waste your time doing anything but finding yourself work,not making yourself feel ill, its the most constructive thing you can do.Its tough but you've zero redress,good luck.


    • #3
      Re: need some advice please

      The Store?Is this a well known supermarket?


      • #4
        Re: need some advice please

        Originally posted by ugly View Post

        few weeks later i got a letter from the store manager again asking me to confirm a meeting set for 2nd december, with a grievance manager being flown in to do this.
        this i did in writing sent to the store.

        so things have not been done by the book by the store manager but also by head office (paperwork)
        also store manager verbally agreed a outcome, then went back on it

        i stuck in what to do next.
        Do you intend going to the appeal meeting?

        This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

        You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
        Cohen, Herb

        There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
        gets his brain a-going.
        Phelps, C. C.

        "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
        The last words of John Sedgwick


        • #5
          Re: need some advice please

          yes its a well known supermarket
          a supermarket that prides itself on putting its staff first, so they say
          and yes i do intend to go to this appeal
          had confirmation this morning to the meeting


          • #6
            Re: need some advice please

            Im sure the Supermarket will give a little help


            • #7
              Re: need some advice please

              Originally posted by ugly View Post
              yes its a well known supermarket
              a supermarket that prides itself on putting its staff first, so they say
              and yes i do intend to go to this appeal
              had confirmation this morning to the meeting
              Has the employer officially accepted your resignation & dismissed you?
              Have you been paid or promised what is owing to you?
              Did you receive a written contract of employment and/or a Statement of Employment Particulars (this being information on hours worked, holidays, details of disciplinary/grievance procedures (or where these can be accessed), etc)?
              Can you now access the above procedures?
              CAVEAT LECTOR

              This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

              You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
              Cohen, Herb

              There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
              gets his brain a-going.
              Phelps, C. C.

              "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
              The last words of John Sedgwick


              • #8
                Re: need some advice please

                Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                Has the employer officially accepted your resignation & dismissed you?
                Have you been paid or promised what is owing to you?
                Did you receive a written contract of employment and/or a Statement of Employment Particulars (this being information on hours worked, holidays, details of disciplinary/grievance procedures (or where these can be accessed), etc)?
                Can you now access the above procedures?
                yes they did accept my resignation and i have been paid money owing to me
                yes have a contract of employment (been there over 6 years)
                i did access the grievance procedure and put my grievance in to head office before my 2 weeks notice was up.

                my main point in my story is that they admitted doing wrong and also admitted they did not follow the grievance in the right manner (in writing etc...) and the store manager agreed to pay me till the end of the month.
                then he went back on what he had agreed


                • #9
                  Re: need some advice please

                  Originally posted by ugly View Post
                  i recently quit my job, because of manager's talking to me like dog poo
                  i did raise this issue with the top manager, who said he would sort it out. (witness was present in meeting)
                  i went on holiday for a few weeks and just before my return to work, another employee told me, they had heard my life is gonna be made hell, when i returned.
                  i decided to quit the job before i returned to work because it was (before i went on holiday) becoming un bareable and the closer it got to returning to work my nerves were shot etc.....

                  i handed in my notice to my department manager on the thursday, and that monday coming i was back at work for my so called last 2 weeks (notice)
                  within half hr of starting work, 1 of the managers who was causeing me problems started being crappy towards me. i phoned up the department manager and explained i needed a word with him, to explain that this was becoming a volitile situation.
                  i went to his office and no sooner had i got in there, he let rip at me, shouting screaming eyes popping out of his head etc.... saying it must be me etc...... i told him that the so called company does not care about its employee's and walked out of his office.
                  i went to the next manager and told them i was leaving work and going to the doctors as i was feeling very un-well. i went my doctors and he took my blood pressure and said it was sky high and he was really concearned about it. my heart was still pounding and he gave me a sick note for 2 weeks.

                  I then went through the grievance procedure of typing out a letter to head office and putting it with the company's grievance form, explaining everything that had gone on prior up to the time i went to the doctors.

                  at the bottom of the form, there was a section, were the company has to sign and send back to me to confirm they got the grievance.

                  i did not get any form of conformation from head office, but my mrs who works for the company also, was approached by the store manager, and asked to ask me if he could do the grievance meeting with me.
                  stupidly i agreeded, thinking well he knew before i went on holiday, what had been going on and i would not have to explain everything over and over again.

                  he then gave my mrs some dates and times for the meeting to take place and asked for her to give me for me to agree a time and date.

                  I went to the 1st meeting with him and he went through my grievance letter/form which he had a copy of from head office.
                  he wrote stuff down etc.... and then asked for the person's name, who had told me that my life was going to be hell. as i had been really un well etc... i had forgotten who had told me, so could not give a name.
                  he said he would make further investagations and call me back in for the outcome.

                  few weeks later he yet again passed on a message to my mrs for me to call him, to arrange a meeting for the outcome.
                  I called him and 1st explained to him that, my grievance had not been properly done. i should of had the conformation part of my grievance form sent back to me, and he should really be contacting me by post and not through my mrs. thus getting her involved in matters.
                  He then sent me a letter with a date and time to meet to give me the outcome of his investagations

                  on the day of the meeting

                  he confirmed that the department manager had told him word for word what i had put down on my grievance and apologised profusely and also said this was not very professional
                  he then said i hope this can be the end of the matter.
                  i then pointed to him part of the outcome i wanted was to have the managers responsible to be re trained, in how to handle situations like this in the future, and also to be paid till the end of the month, as i was forced to quit my job.

                  He agreed and said all managers responsible and named in my grievance have been spoken to and steps were being taken to address this ( his words) and also he said as the store manager he would authorise payment for me of wages till the end of the month.
                  he then said he would have to call me back in to sign a form, agreeing this would be the end of the matter and i would not divulge any of this etc etc... the normal thing they say. we both agreed and i left.
                  few weeks later i was called in by him again, exspecting just a form to sign etc....
                  but was i totally wrong.
                  as soon as i got in his office he went straight on the defensive and said there would be no payment to me of any money and if i went tot the papers etc.... the company would take me to court and sue me.
                  as you can guess i left there in a right foul mood.

                  when my mrs came home that night from work, she asked me what had gone on, so i told her, she said why don't i appeal against it and pointed me to the company handbook and showed me i could appeal

                  this i did and sent it off to head office
                  few weeks later i got a letter from the store manager again asking me to confirm a meeting set for 2nd december, with a grievance manager being flown in to do this.
                  this i did in writing sent to the store.

                  sorry it went on so long

                  so things have not been done by the book by the store manager but also by head office (paperwork)
                  also store manager verbally agreed a outcome, then went back on it

                  i stuck in what to do next.
                  Hi Ugly

                  The bits highlighted in red above seem to imply that they have something they wish to hide from the press and the public. What do you think it is? Could you be a whistleblower (ie is there something that they are worried you can expose)?


                  • #10
                    Re: need some advice please

                    yes there are a few things i could go to the press with and they do know that.
                    nut my point is that the store manager agreed to everything in my grievance form and now is going back on it.
                    do i tell the grievance manager, when i have my meeting with them, that an agreement was made and then withdrawn etc.....


                    • #11
                      Re: need some advice please

                      Can you get anything in writing (ie, email) to prove the promise has been reneged?
                      CAVEAT LECTOR

                      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                      Cohen, Herb

                      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                      gets his brain a-going.
                      Phelps, C. C.

                      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                      The last words of John Sedgwick


                      • #12
                        Re: need some advice please

                        Just letting you know i am following this thread, will post when there is anything i can add to advice given. Also if you have anything to go to the press with about the employer and or their practices as a buisness, then you would likely be protected under law (employment rights act 1996 - Part IVA Protected disclosures) as a whistleblower, meaning they couldn't sue you if your information being disclosed is covered by the act, such as criminal acts or breach of legal obligations including breach of employment laws etc.
                        Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                        By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                        If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                        I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                        The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          Re: need some advice please


                          Posted on June 27th, 2013 by Clare Parkinson

                          Important changes to whistleblowing law came into force on 25 June 2013. Are your policies and procedures sufficient to protect your business?
                          The provisions within the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act dealing with whistleblowing are now in force and these make several key amendments to the law:
                          • Disclosures will no longer be protected unless the worker has a reasonable belief that the disclosure is in the public interest;
                          • Disclosures no longer have to be made in “good faith”. However, if a disclosure is made in bad faith then compensation can be reduced by up to 25%; and
                          • Employers will be vicariously liable for the actions of workers who subject a colleague to any kind of detriment because they have blown the whistle, unless they can demonstrate they took all reasonable steps to prevent this happening. Workers can also be personally liable if they subject a colleague to a detriment.

                          The introduction of a “public interest” requirement may lead to an initial reduction in whistleblowing claims. However, a worker does not have to know for certain whether a disclosure is in the public interest for it to meet the statutory test, he or she simply has to have a “reasonable belief”. It is easy to see how a worker may genuinely believe that raising concerns about alleged discrimination or health and safety breaches is in the public interest (even though the worker’s underlying motivation may be personal) and therefore there is a risk that such disclosures may continue to fall within the definition of a “protected disclosure”.
                          How the Courts and Tribunals will interpret the legislation remains to be seen. But whether or not workers’ concerns meet the “public interest” test, employers should ensure that workers are not discouraged from raising them in an appropriate manner. Procedures should be in place for investigating such concerns, whether that is pursuant to a specific whistleblowing policy or regular grievance procedures.
                          The introduction of vicarious liability for employers will perhaps have a more significant impact. Policies should now make it clear that colleagues should not mistreat, bully or harass a whistleblower and that such behaviour may lead to disciplinary action. However, it is not enough for employers to simply have a whistleblowing policy which bans such behaviour. The policy needs to be clearly communicated to workers and supported by training to enable an employer to show that they have taken all reasonable steps to prevent whistleblowers from being subjected to detriment.
                          CAVEAT LECTOR

                          This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                          You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                          Cohen, Herb

                          There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                          gets his brain a-going.
                          Phelps, C. C.

                          "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                          The last words of John Sedgwick


                          • #14
                            Re: need some advice please

                            no sorry cant get anything in writing about what he promised (agreed) but i do have another manager who i spoke to after my meeting and told them what had been said etc.. as this manager came in to 1` of my previous meetings as a witness

                            some of the information i have is to do with health and safety also is in the public intrest as it involves them so to speak
                            also this comapny paints themselfs as a caring company and likes to get involved in charitys and looked after its disabled partners and i saw a disabled person being treat different in a matter were an able body person would of been lets just police involved , so not to allow the public to know anything they escorted this person out the back door with a hush hush to me that is discrimination towards able body folk


                            • #15
                              Re: need some advice please

                              i have decided to write a letter to the CEO of the company and outline and give examples of all the problems at this store and also let him know i am thinking of going to the press about it.
                              this i am going to do before the meeting i am going to.
                              things like

                              1 Health and Saftey issuies are being broken
                              2 Discrimination
                              3 Favoritisam
                              4 Bullying
                              5 Company policeys being ignored
                              6 Customers saftey being put at risk


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