Friend lost employment dispute due to bad advice given, the deadline date was missed for the ET1 due to some one acting not getting it sent within the time frame. How does one establish loss for neglience in this instance, would it only be a burden if costs were made to the solicitors for their fees against them or would we need to establish what we would have gained in the tribunal should we have won it - I just understand principle if a solicitor misses a deadline but when one establishes a loss how can we demonstrate that.
Do we have to raise a complaint saying how much we sustained in lost wages due to their malpractice and their breach caused it - e.g they agreed to act but failed to obtain.
Friend lost employment dispute due to bad advice given, the deadline date was missed for the ET1 due to some one acting not getting it sent within the time frame. How does one establish loss for neglience in this instance, would it only be a burden if costs were made to the solicitors for their fees against them or would we need to establish what we would have gained in the tribunal should we have won it - I just understand principle if a solicitor misses a deadline but when one establishes a loss how can we demonstrate that.
Do we have to raise a complaint saying how much we sustained in lost wages due to their malpractice and their breach caused it - e.g they agreed to act but failed to obtain.