I am sure that you have all heard tales of 'biased' judges
My tale is slightly different.
I was sacked from my job, very harshly I think most people would agree
I therefore took my employer to their local ET claiming breach of contract + 1 week's pay ( £180)
My employer aided by employment partner from v.large local firm counterclaimed for £13,500.
Aided by the barrister they won ( I defended the £13,500 myself)
My employer's solicitor then proceeded to try to retreive costs ( capped at £10,000 ). They offered a £5k out of court settlement to me.
The day before the hearing they withdrew. They did inform me however that I had been charged for something that was not claimed for
I requested a review after time and after a lot of messing about and threats to escalate I got it
Judge confirmed what I had been charged for and it wasn't what was on ET3, presented in court or displayed in judgement
What they received £13,500 for would not stand up in any straight court - which is probably why it was not claimed for
My Question is, can I start a civil action against an ET judge or is she above the law? If I can I have this whole strange case in writing
My tale is slightly different.
I was sacked from my job, very harshly I think most people would agree
I therefore took my employer to their local ET claiming breach of contract + 1 week's pay ( £180)
My employer aided by employment partner from v.large local firm counterclaimed for £13,500.
Aided by the barrister they won ( I defended the £13,500 myself)
My employer's solicitor then proceeded to try to retreive costs ( capped at £10,000 ). They offered a £5k out of court settlement to me.
The day before the hearing they withdrew. They did inform me however that I had been charged for something that was not claimed for
I requested a review after time and after a lot of messing about and threats to escalate I got it
Judge confirmed what I had been charged for and it wasn't what was on ET3, presented in court or displayed in judgement
What they received £13,500 for would not stand up in any straight court - which is probably why it was not claimed for
My Question is, can I start a civil action against an ET judge or is she above the law? If I can I have this whole strange case in writing