I'm writing this because my dad is representing himself in less than 7 weeks and we have asked his former employer to disclose a number of documents which they have admitted is of importance, this was asked for 9 weeks ago,it then went on and on blah blah blah (can fill in the blah blah gaps if needed)last week we applied to the judge for an order to strike the case out on grounds of Non compliance of case management orders and non disclosure of documents.the judge sent a copy to them titled REQUEST FOR ORDER and enclosed a copy of what we had asked the judge to do,and he added they may object to the application by writing to the tribunal by tomorrow copying us in,they still have not responded,is this normal,what action is the judge likely to take if any,sorry if it doesn't read exactly as it should as I'm sure you can all tell this is not my area of excellence.
Any help,advice or any input at all would begreatfully received as my dads health is suffering because of the stree. Thanks. Phill x
I'm writing this because my dad is representing himself in less than 7 weeks and we have asked his former employer to disclose a number of documents which they have admitted is of importance, this was asked for 9 weeks ago,it then went on and on blah blah blah (can fill in the blah blah gaps if needed)last week we applied to the judge for an order to strike the case out on grounds of Non compliance of case management orders and non disclosure of documents.the judge sent a copy to them titled REQUEST FOR ORDER and enclosed a copy of what we had asked the judge to do,and he added they may object to the application by writing to the tribunal by tomorrow copying us in,they still have not responded,is this normal,what action is the judge likely to take if any,sorry if it doesn't read exactly as it should as I'm sure you can all tell this is not my area of excellence.
Any help,advice or any input at all would begreatfully received as my dads health is suffering because of the stree. Thanks. Phill x