I have been employed with my current company for over 5 years. The company has a specific internet policy guide in line with all others in that access to gambling websites, online games, pornography etc etc is not permitted.
Throughout the 5 years I have been employed (there are several hundred employees in the company) this internet policy has never been enforced. Access to online gambling, online gaming and social media is pretty widespread throughout the company and is conducted out in the open in front of line managers and senior management. Employees have behaved in such a manner as no-one has ever been reprimanded for such behaviour and management have never raised this as an issue.
I recently had a new external line manager appointed and he has taken the view that our team should adhere to strict compliance of the companys internet policy. Following this I ceased visiting online gaming and gambling websites despite the use of such websites continuing throughout the company by different teams on a daily basis.
On one day, without thinking about it, I opened a bookmakers website as I have been informed they had made a massive error in pricing up a football market. Following this I was called up for a disciplinary meeting with HR and have been informed that I will be receiving a formal warning letter.
I feel slightly victimised in relation to this as the behaviour for which I am being disciplined is rampant and widespread throughout the company. No other employee is being disciplined in relation to this as far as I know and even when I was going through the disciplinary process I can see (and my line manager can see as he sits close to me) numerous other employees accessing gambling and gaming websites on a daily basis.
I was also supposed to receive 48hrs notice of the disciplinary meeting but I did not, can I use this as some sort of loophole as Nick Freeman would?
Any help/advise appreciated.
Throughout the 5 years I have been employed (there are several hundred employees in the company) this internet policy has never been enforced. Access to online gambling, online gaming and social media is pretty widespread throughout the company and is conducted out in the open in front of line managers and senior management. Employees have behaved in such a manner as no-one has ever been reprimanded for such behaviour and management have never raised this as an issue.
I recently had a new external line manager appointed and he has taken the view that our team should adhere to strict compliance of the companys internet policy. Following this I ceased visiting online gaming and gambling websites despite the use of such websites continuing throughout the company by different teams on a daily basis.
On one day, without thinking about it, I opened a bookmakers website as I have been informed they had made a massive error in pricing up a football market. Following this I was called up for a disciplinary meeting with HR and have been informed that I will be receiving a formal warning letter.
I feel slightly victimised in relation to this as the behaviour for which I am being disciplined is rampant and widespread throughout the company. No other employee is being disciplined in relation to this as far as I know and even when I was going through the disciplinary process I can see (and my line manager can see as he sits close to me) numerous other employees accessing gambling and gaming websites on a daily basis.
I was also supposed to receive 48hrs notice of the disciplinary meeting but I did not, can I use this as some sort of loophole as Nick Freeman would?
Any help/advise appreciated.