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Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

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  • Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

    Hi there,

    I wonder if i could get some advice...

    I have been working full-time for a small PLC company in Hertfordshire for 2 years, I announced my pregnancy in March 2012 and I plan to start my maternity leave in September 2012.

    After announcing my news in March the annual salary reviews were held in April and unfortunately I was told I was not eligible for a 3% increase as I'd had a performance related pay increase within the last 12 months. When I was given the rise in October 2011 it was not communicated in the letter that this would 'exclude' me from any forthcoming annual salary increases and I have since found out that other colleagues who also received a performance related increase were given the 3% and also a new starter (male) that was on probation at the time (who has now left the company) was also given the 3% rise.

    Since then there has also been an incident were the company are advertising my maternity cover role as a permanent full-time position at an extra £2,000.00 per year more than what they are currently paying me. Are they allowed to do this.

    My role is extremely difficult and it is no secret that I am being underpaid, I currently coordinate and administer a team of 13 field sales people, it was 6 when I started two years ago... Whilst I initially enjoyed the job and had a lot of time for the company I am beginning to feel quite unappreciated and isolated away from the team and I feel like the company are trying to get rid of me or at least make it impossible for me to ever come back after maternity leave.

    Please can I have some advice? Am I just being silly or is this discrimination?

    Thanks x
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

    have you got a copy of the advert saying your position is being advertised as a permanant full time position

    can you confirm the pay issue on the other collegues, is their any mention in your contract of employment on pay awards, performance pay, annual reviews etc

    as you are prob no doubt aware, while on maternity you enter a period of protected characteristics

    after your maternity leave has finished, you move back into the same position as you left unless the job role is being made redundant. redundancy procedures then have to follow.

    as they have advertised your post as a permanant position, your protected characteristics have been breached.

    the pay issue needs official confirmantion as well

    you need to do a letter to your company HR and request clarification, if they decline a grievance would then need to be submitted

    on what you say so far the employer is guilty of discrimination under the equalities act 2010 and of unlawful deduction of wages on the pay review and both will be subject to an employment tribunal


    • #3
      Re: Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

      Hi thanks for the reply,

      Yes I have copies of the advert - when I approached my line manager yesterday about it I noticed it was amended minutes later - but I have already taken some screen shots.

      I can also get verification in relation to the other colleagues getting the annual salary increase if necessary, they are now ex-employees.
      I have already approached HR and written to my CEO regarding the exclusion from the salary increases - they wasn't very helpful and I just issued another letter stating that I wasn't entitled due to a performance related increase in the last 12 months. They also failed to address my concerns as to whether or not the exclusion criteria had been applied fairly across the board.

      I am not sure of my next steps. There is something in my contract regarding annual salary increases being 'discretionary' I think, I would need to check - there is certainly no mention of anything in the employee handbook.

      I was thinking of visiting citizens advice - would that be a good place to start?


      • #4
        Re: Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

        weel i think they are trying to fobb you off

        you have been nice , now make it formal by a grievance which they have to acknowledge and deal with

        it was amended minutes later

        that says the contempt they are treating you with just because you mentioned you were pregnant and now a liability

        get that grievance in on the job advert and why your collegues also got the pay increase and not you, keep your post updated

        that advert is proof of discrimination and they will have a job trying to sweep that under the carpet
        Last edited by miliitant; 5th July 2012, 10:21:AM.


        • #5
          Re: Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

          Thank you for your help, I will keep you updated


          • #6
            Re: Unfair treatment whilst pregnant at work...

            Is the company allowed to make deductions from her pay for the extra error checking needed by her pregnancy? :behindsofa:


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