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Assistance with second claim following a COT3

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  • Assistance with second claim following a COT3

    New here. Can somebody advise on my legal document?
    • ET1 Claim Form: Continuous Discrimination Claim
      Section 8.2: Background and Details of the Claim
      Claimant: [Your Full Name]
      Respondent: [Employer's Name]
      Case Number: [Case Number]
      I am submitting this claim due to continuous and unlawful discrimination by the respondent.
      Below is a detailed account of the incidents and actions that constitute this claim.
      I have been a firefighter with xxxx since 2005. I manage
      several medical conditions, including PTSD, OCD, generalised anxiety disorder, Tourette’s,
      ADHD, ASD, and dyslexia, effectively and am fully capable of performing my duties. I
      believe that I am disabled for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010. The respondent has been
      aware of my mental health issues since 2012 and of my cancer diagnosis since around 2024.
      Following an assessment in 2019 the service is fully aware of my dyslexia and learning
      difficulties. Dyslexia and specific learning difficulty was diagnosed through a child
      psychologist, since 2005 upon joining the service I have been allotted extra time to finish
      assessments, reading documentation time allowance. My employer has acknowledged my disabilities
      in previous legal documents. I have never had any performance issues raised outside normal
      learning expectations. My operational performance on fire ground, has never been called into
      question, as I am very capable able and good at my job.
      Recent History and Challenges:
      Industrial Injury and Return to Work: In August 2022, after a year-long absence due to an
      industrial injury caused by bullying from senior management, and following hospitalisation
      in May 2022, I returned to work. On October 12, 2022, I signed a COT3 agreement and
      received a formal apology from the respondent regarding the bullying claim. The director of
      xxxx acknowledged my grievance after investigation, stating that I had
      been treated appallingly.
      I believe I have been subjected to continuous discriminatory treatment, especially regarding
      my medication. This has culminated in a drug and alcohol test that led to my suspension and
      humiliation on April 19, 2024. Whilst on suspension, the respondent has again approached
      occupational health directly asking them about my medication, failing to adhere to policy,
      with total disregard for my feelings and rights. I believe the respondent has treated me
      unfavourably with special treatment in relation to my protected characteristic arising from my
      disabilities under Section 13, 19, 26, 27, 20, 15, of the Equality Act 2010. This treatment,
      particularly since my mental health diagnosis in 2012 and my cancer diagnosis in 2024, has
      resulted in continuous unfavourable treatment.
      Specific Incidents:
    • 1. Urine Test Incident: I was singled out for a urine test, which I believe constitutes
      continuous discrimination contrary to the equality act 2010, by subjecting me to the
      urine test. Section, 19, 26, 13. 15, 27: Continually requesting medication details to
      occupational health by non-medical personnel, refusing to hear my grievance is and
      follow policy, namely management.
      2. Section 27 due to my grievances regarding the treatments I had been subjected to,
      which initiated an external investigation in January 2023, whereby my grievance of
      managers trying to find out my medication, violating my dignity, and refusing to
      follow policy at all in regard to my treatment, I raised grievances in line with policy to
      protect my rights. Section 19, by means of a policy in place, which allowed
      management to treat me in a manner which is both humiliating, degrading hurtful and
      has caused significant injury to my feelings being suspended without justification.
      The policy of the respondent has allowed something arising in consequence of my
      disability, to be violated by means of respondent policy.
      Disability-Related Treatment: I was not given the necessary time to read the drug
      and alcohol policy due, despite the respondent’s awareness through an inclusion
      passport in 2023 and a learning support assessment in 2015, through internal work
      assessment. This action, I believe, is contrary to Section 15 of the Equality Act 2010,
      whereby the respondent failed to allow me the necessary time based on my dyslexia,
      ASD, ADHD, learning disability.
      Continuous Harassment: I believe I have been subjected to continuous harassment
      due to my mental health conditions and cancer diagnosis, aimed at uncovering my
      medication details. Despite my full engagement with occupational health, I have
      never been asked to share my medication with line management, and there have been
      no medication side effects other than improved focus from my ADHD treatment, and
      stability through hospitalised mental health programme. Occupational health has been
      fully engaged with my professional treatment from specialists in their field and
      doctors. I should not be so humiliated by the respondent, whether it is implemented
      through their actions and assumptions, or their policy to justify treating me in such a
      manner. I believe the respondent has made no attempt to hide the continuous
      discrimination. I have document to support this, being emails, referrals, grievances,
      names, dates, which support a continuous unfavourable treatment.
      I believe I have been victimised contrary to Section 27 of the Equality Act,
      treated less favourably due to previous grievances. This includes an external
      investigation, in which has not dealt with my grievances in a timely manner. Six
      months into its initiation. The respondent’s actions have violated my dignity,
      subjected me to stigma, and led to further unfavourable treatment. This
      investigation, reluctantly conducted by the respondent, involved detailed
      complaints of non-medical personnel management’s probing of occupational
      health, requesting information regarding my medication, grievances submitted
      regarding the continuous discriminatory treatment I have been subjected to.
      These actions have resulted in a hostile work environment and have severely
      impacted my mental health and well-being.
      Summary of Claims:
       Unfavourable Treatment: Under Section 15 of the Equality Act 2010 due to mental
      health, cancer diagnosis, and dyslexia.
    •  Harassment: Under Section 26 of the Equality Act 2010 due to mental health, cancer
      diagnosis, and the discriminatory urine test.
       Victimisation: Under Section 27 of the Equality Act 2010 due to previous grievances
      and complaints about medication questioning.
      Medication and Health Status Questioning: Unlawful Discrimination
      I believe the respondent has treated me unfavourably because of something arising in
      consequence of my disability, specifically my mental health treatment and cancer diagnosis.
      Here is a detailed account of the incidents and actions taken by the respondent, that constitute
      unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.
      Background and Timeline of Events
      1. Hospitalization and Phased Return:
      o March 31, 2023: Returned to work on a phased return after five weeks of
      mental health treatment in the hospital. This phased return included a drill
      ground assessment to ensure compliance with safety standards. This was
      suggested byxxx over a telephone conversation while I was still in
      the hospital.
      o April 25, 2023: Completed drill ground assessments over a phased return to
      full operational duties. xxx concluded that I was fit to become
      operational. He remarked that I was “the best xxx, he had seen.” I was made
      operational on the fire appliance.
      2. Contradictory Referral:
      o Despite the positive assessments and operational clearance, xxx
      wrote a damning referral on June 21, 2023, which contradicted the
      professional opinions of my doctors, including eminent psychiatrists and
      psychologists who had declared me fit both mentally and physically.
      o xxx had also declared me fit for operational duties based on his
      assessment upon my return to work. However, the referral submitted
      contradicted this, questioning my medication and its effects on my fitness for
      3. Stage II Meeting:
      o May 17, 2023: A Stage II meeting was held, where I was given a final
      warning with the possibility of dismissal if another 10 days of sick leave
      occurred. I raised the issue of my inability to attend the Stage I meeting due to
      hospitalization during the appeal period.
      4. Medication and Health Status:
      o All events prior to my hospitalization were linked to my mental health by the
      respondent in a referral. Following severe chest issues in January 2023, I was
      referred to Dr. xxx, a pulmonary specialist, who conducted extensive tests.
      Respondent used my recent hospitalization, all previous chest conditions prior
      to March 2023, to present a concerning referral in June 2023.
      5. Contradictions in Assessments:
      o April 25, 2023: After a fitness test and drill ground assessments, WC
      Freestone passed me as operationally fit. However, the referral he wrote in
    • June 2023 contradicted this assessment, suggesting false concerns about my
      fitness for duty.
      Unlawful Discrimination and Violations
      1. Harassment and Discrimination
       Section 26 (Harassment): xxx actions and referrals subjected me to
      harassment based on my disability, leading to a hostile work environment.
       Section 15 (Discrimination Arising from Disability): The referral in June 2023,
      based on my mental health and medication, constituted discrimination arising from
      my disability. This was despite professional opinions and prior assessments declaring
      me fit for duty.
      2. Failure to Make Reasonable Adjustments
       Section 20 (Duty to Make Reasonable Adjustments): The respondent failed to
      make necessary adjustments during my return to work, despite recommendations from
      occupational health. This included ignoring the phased return plan suggesting support,
      and professional advice.
       April 2023: Occupational health requested support during my phased return, which
      was ignored by the respondent. Instead, I was subjected to a Stage II final warning,
      violating their own stage one policy and failing to accommodate my needs.
      3. Ignored Grievances and Unfair Treatment
       Section 27 (Victimisation): The respondent ignored my grievances, including my
      concerns about the unfair treatment during the Stage II meeting and the contradictory
      referral by xxx. This led to further victimisation.
       August 28, 2023: Received Stage 1 interview notes from Lloyd Hatton, who
      apologized for the delay. However, this did not address the fundamental issues of
      being unable to comply with the attendance improvement plan due to hospitalization,
      subjecting me to treatment outside of following their own stage one policy.
      4. Contradictory Actions and Unfavourable Treatment
       June 26, 2023: Despite the referral from xxx, I was tasked with driving an
      MRV vehicle around Surrey, contradicting concerns about my medication and fitness
      for duty. This was humiliating and degrading treatment.
      xxx failed to conduct referrals in line with established policy, bypassing proper
      procedures and not providing necessary information to xxx.
       Section 26 - Harassment: Continuous non-compliance and procedural bypassing
      contribute to a hostile work environment.
      Supporting Evidence:
    •  Email Communication: Multiple emails indicating xxx failure to follow
      referral policies properly. Specific instances include not providing xxx with copies
      of referrals, failing to discuss referrals before submission, and disregarding OH
      Ignored multiple grievances raised by xxx regarding the handling of his medical
      information and referral processes.
       Section 27 - Victimisation: Ignoring grievances constitutes victimisation, especially
      when grievances are related to discriminatory treatment.
       Section 20 - Duty to Make Reasonable Adjustments: Failure to address grievances
      related to reasonable adjustments.
      Supporting Evidence:
       Grievance Records: Documented grievances submitted by xxx that have
      not been resolved or adequately addressed.
      List of Grievances Raised by xxx
      1. Grievance Date: April 23, 2024
      o Summary: Raised grievance with xxx regarding the incident on April
      19, 2024, involving a drug and alcohol test. Oliver believed management
      aimed to discover his medication, leading to stress and subsequent suspension
      when unable to complete the test in time due to his condition. The grievance
      highlighted feelings of being ambushed, violation of privacy, and lack of
      reasonable adjustments made for his condition.
      o Supporting Evidence: Emails and documentation of the drug and alcohol test,
      suspension notice, and grievance submission.
      2. Grievance Date: November 10, 2023
      o Summary: Submitted a formal grievance citing discrimination and
      unfavourable treatment due to medication and health status. The grievance
      detailed continuous discriminatory treatment, including being ignored during
      referrals and management’s questioning of his medication.
      o Supporting Evidence: Grievance document, emails between xxx and
      management, and occupational health reports.
      3. Grievance Date: March 2023
      o Summary: Raised grievance about the failure to provide necessary support
      during his phased return to work. Despite occupational health
      recommendations, management did not implement the required adjustments,
      leading to additional stress and health issues.
      o Supporting Evidence: Occupational health recommendations phased return
      plan, and grievance submission.
      4. Grievance Date: June 21, 2023
      o Summary: Submitted grievance regarding a misleading referral written by
      xxx. The referral contradicted previous professional assessments
      and questioned xxx medication without proper basis.
    • o Supporting Evidence: Referral document, professional assessments, and
      grievance submission.
      5. Grievance Date: August 4, 2023
      o Summary: Raised grievance about management’s failure to provide necessary
      referral documents and their non-compliance with referral policies. This
      grievance highlighted continuous procedural bypassing and lack of
      o Supporting Evidence: Emails requesting referral documents, grievance
      submission, and policy documents.
      Summary of Grievances and Their Impact
      xxx failed to conduct referral questioning of medication in line with established
      policy, bypassing proper procedures and not providing necessary information to myself. This
      violates Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010, which outlines the duty to make reasonable
      adjustments for employees with disabilities, and Section 26, which addresses harassment.
      Continuous non-compliance and procedural bypassing by the respondent has contributed to a
      hostile work environment. Supporting evidence includes multiple emails, including
      grievances, requesting adherence to follow referral policies properly, such as not providing
      xxx with copies of referrals, failing to discuss referrals before submission, and
      disregarding OH recommendations. Additionally, the respondent has ignored multiple
      grievances raised by xxx regarding the handling of his medical information and
      referral processes. This constitutes a violation of Section 27 of the Equality Act 2010
      (victimisation) and further breaches Section 20. Supporting evidence includes documented
      grievances submitted by xxx that have not been resolved or adequately addressed
    Last edited by ULA; 9th August 2024, 09:14:AM. Reason: This is a public forum all names of people and employer have been removed
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Do you not have union support?
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


    • #3
      Firstly it is seems that at some stage you have signed a COT3. We would be interested to know what your claim was for that the COT3 covered and also did the COT3 not have a clause about not being able to bring any further employment claims covering a range of possible claims?

      If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

      I do not provide advice by PM although I may on occasion ask you to send me documents this way but any related advice will be provided back on your thread.

      I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
      If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

      You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

      You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

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