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Tribunal advice

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  • Tribunal advice

    Hello helpful community
    this is long and complicated so if anyone actually gets to the end and can offer advice, I’d be surprised and extremely grateful. I guess my question is, have I got a case for a tribunal to claim back damages for mental health, Solicitor fees and other monies owed. It is against my former employer and I’ve just finished nearly 3 months notice, 2 of which on garden leave.

    it all started I was headhunted by a competitor. I was relatively happy in my current job. But the boss had sold the company to a private investor who was having more involvement as the year wore on, this left me uncomortable. On top of I’d just moved house and mortgage had quadrupled, this was a lucrative offer I couldn’t turn down.

    Initially my boss (who is staying on 2 years) took it well.
    he spoke to new owner but couldn’t get anywhere near the competitor salary. They wished me well, told all the staff where I was going and even told customers I’m going with there blessing. I was to work my 3 month notice, helping with production (i was sales manager) fast forward a month. The same competitor also approached a young member of the sales team. He accepted the job based on the derisory salary the current company offered him to basically do my old job.

    Thats when it all kicked off. we were both put on garden leave told that the restrictive covenant in our contracts prevents us joining a competitor for 6 months. (in theory it does but will explain later) they aggressively threaten us through this solicitor with court injunctions stopping us joining. Effectively making us unemployed. The new company solicitors reply on our behalf. Telling them that there contracts are not enforceable. They are far too broad and poorly drafted.

    The current company then doesnt pay us over christmas leaving me broke, stressed and extremely anxious.
    in fact they dont pay us until 3rd Jan. meaning all my DD bounced including mortgage. Again im devastated, ive just moved into this house, im thinking i need to sell the family home. An important detail and one im not particularly proud of is, the first week of January, the new owner instructed a 3rd party I.T expert to search my PC. They found a few downloads customer lists etc. Again receive another solicitor letter, they changed solicitors for some reason. in light of this new information against me, I seek my own legal advice. i pay a lot of money for a very good employment Solicitor.

    He tells them whilst he sympathises they need to protect their interests he says the fact ive owned up to it and will return the downloads removes the threat. He also absolutely destroys their contract, saying amongst other things it's been drafted by HR and has no legal standing. My company then pay me late again for Jan, knowing full well my DD will bounce. Also they deduct 695 for training. when questioned they mention a flimsy clause in the contract. My solicitor has told them in no uncertain terms that they have fundamentally breached contract and its now void. They are still attempting to stop me but I start Monday and ive had 3 solicitors letters threatening injunctions. My Solicitor is adamant it would be rejected by a judge. Since all this I had a near breakdown. seen thd doctor got prescribed Diazepam, had 3 mental health sessions. I want to take them to a tribunal for damages to my mental health, late payments, unlawfully deducted695.

    115 bank charges. 2k solicitor costs so far and possibly a 2k payrise promised me in writing in September that never happened. My question have I got a case?
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Hi Astro74

    Welcome to LB

    Can you add some paragraphs for ULA, makes it easier to read.


    • #3
      Not sure how I edit it? First time on here sorry.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Astro74 View Post
        Not sure how I edit it? First time on here sorry.
        O.K., just for future reference, add paragraphs. It makes it so much easier to read.


        • #5
          If you are already getting legal advice from an employment solicitor have you aasked them.whether you have a case?
          If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

          I do not provide advice by PM although I may on occasion ask you to send me documents this way but any related advice will be provided back on your thread.

          I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
          If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

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          • #6
            Hi, no I have finished with the solicitor. He was dealing with the contract and restrictive covenants. This is separate and I’ve ran out of funds.


            • #7
              In respect of what you believe you would want to make an Employment Tribunal (ET) claim for, I have taken each one and provided my view:

              Damages to my mental health - this would not be an employment tribunal claim

              Late payments - from your post it would appear that your salary was paid albeit late but again this would not be an unlawful deduction of wages.

              Unlawfully deducted 695 - I would need to see the clause they are relying on to say whether this was unlawful or not.

              115 bank charges - this would not be an employment tribunal claim.

              2k solicitor costs so far - again this would not be an employment tribunal claim.

              2k pay-rise promised me in writing in September that never happened - in the written confirmation was there a date from when it would be effective from? When this did not happen did you raise this at the time?
              If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

              I do not provide advice by PM although I may on occasion ask you to send me documents this way but any related advice will be provided back on your thread.

              I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
              If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

              You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

              You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

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              • #8
                I really appreciate that feedback. It’s really helpful.
                The part in the contract they refer to reads as follows…… “You agree that the Company may, in its discretion, deduct from your salary outstanding expenses or any other amount due which you may owe the Company from time to time including overpayments made in error”.

                The payrise was promised in writing after the training (they took money for) was complete. But no specified date. I didnt chase it. It was a difficult year and I didn’t want to put my Director in a position where he’s having to ask the new owner for more money.

                Am I right in assuming then that employers could just pay employees 2-3 days late 3 months on the trot, knowing DD will bounce, with no consequences? That seems a bit shocking. Thanks again.


                • #9
                  On the training you may have a point to push back on. The clause you have set out makes no mention of training and typically if a company wants to claw back trainings cost, if someone leaves, then is usually for professional qualifications costing thousands of pounds and for which the individual would be required to sign a separate agreement.

                  I presume this training was just a generic course maybe something to do with your job role and not something you were alerted to having to repay in the event you left within a certain period of time.

                  In respect of the pay rise, did you complete the training and if so when? My view is that not having chased it at the time, it may be difficult for you to try and claim that now.

                  From what you have said your pay has now all been paid therefore there is no unlawful deduction of wages. The process would have been to raise a grievance at the time and try to resolve it that way. If they had continued indefinitely not paying wages or consistently paid late, then it could have been taken further.
                  If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                  I do not provide advice by PM although I may on occasion ask you to send me documents this way but any related advice will be provided back on your thread.

                  I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                  If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                  You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                  You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

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                  • #10
                    Thank you again. The training was completed September and yes correct it was like a 2 day generic leadership course.
                    i know what you mean though. I should have chased the pay rise at the time. It was something I was meaning to bring up. I didn’t think I was leaving so thought I’d give it until end of year.
                    Last edited by ULA; 24th February 2024, 00:30:AM. Reason: Moderated content of post


                    • #11
                      Thank you for the further information.

                      Given the cost and the description of the training then you may be able to push back on this but suggest you do this direct with your ex employer in the first instance. You can state that the clause they are relying on does not relate to the deduction made as no agreement was in place regarding any training clawback and that this is therefore an unlawful deduction of wages, for which if not repaid by xxx day, you will be considering an Early Conciliation process via ACAS.

                      If the training was in Sept and the pay rise was confirmed in writing to be on completion then you should have queried this at the first payroll it was not paid.
                      If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                      I do not provide advice by PM although I may on occasion ask you to send me documents this way but any related advice will be provided back on your thread.

                      I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                      If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                      You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                      You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                      If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


                      • #12
                        Thank you for taking the time to advise. Really appreciate it.


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