My son issued his CEO with a grievance against himself in November. This was not heard and the CEO employed an external HR consultant to hear the grievance.
It has taken until today for the HR consultant to arrange an informal conversation during which my son was offered a "Without Prejudice" Settlement Contract. If he does not accept this offer, then my son will be investigated for Gross Misconduct and Gross Negligence.
The CEO offered the settlement, though the document is titled "Protected Conversation", they have not reviewed the grievance and don't know the full contents of the grievance, which include bullying, harassment, discrimination and references relating to sexuality.
The settlement contract states that if not accepted, then he could be dismissed without notice and any future job references would include the information (if proven).
As there was no dispute prior to my son raising the grievance, does this negate the "Without Prejudice" settlement contract offer and the grievance hearing should take place?
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
It has taken until today for the HR consultant to arrange an informal conversation during which my son was offered a "Without Prejudice" Settlement Contract. If he does not accept this offer, then my son will be investigated for Gross Misconduct and Gross Negligence.
The CEO offered the settlement, though the document is titled "Protected Conversation", they have not reviewed the grievance and don't know the full contents of the grievance, which include bullying, harassment, discrimination and references relating to sexuality.
The settlement contract states that if not accepted, then he could be dismissed without notice and any future job references would include the information (if proven).
As there was no dispute prior to my son raising the grievance, does this negate the "Without Prejudice" settlement contract offer and the grievance hearing should take place?
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.