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  • Peewee841130
    started a topic Suspended


    I have been working for my employer over three years now. In January this year it was bought to my attention about banking going back to 2020 that could not be found. I took over as manager in June 2021. So I got in contact with our business controller as he was not aware and told me that he would deal with this matter. He also contacted the dept to say why he was not involved in this as he should be aware.

    Anyway months pass and turns out nearly all of the branches in the company have banking issues.

    The dept in question who deal with this area were off in maternity leave one time in time and had temp staff, that was why it had not been dealt with. Some branches goes back to 2019.

    There are also different processing for banking procedures, inadequate training, no hand over when I took over as the manager either, as previous manager left and never worked his notice.

    So last week Monday I have two people from the business turn up at the branch and have an investigation meeting, I was interviewed first and then after they were speaking to my work colleagues. I was then back in the meeting and dismissed for allegations of negligence in the role, falsification of data, stock and causing loss and damage to the company. I was provided with no evidence as to their conclusion of this.

    The note taker was also asking questions.

    I received my suspension letter and asked for a copy of the investigation notes which the investigating manager had not signed only the note taker. It said I would receive a disciplinary hearing in 72 hours never happened I got a holding letter on the Thursday to say still investigating.

    It will be two weeks next Monday. They said as I am the branch manager it was my responsibility. But I know of another branch who has historical banking issues and the manager was not suspended. This could be because his dad is area manager for the region and also looks after that branch as part of his region.

    I have been on antidepressants since March this year as I found out my father does not have long to live with his cancer, my mum has to have a kidney transplant next year to and I worry if my dad is not around all the responsibility is on my shoulders to support my mum and my sister who is a donor match. Work are aware of this also.

    I have spoken to CAB and Acas, also made contact with solicitor but said wait till outcome of disciplinary. The company I work for were also investigated for fraud back in 2018. Which resulted in a £68m fine which had to be paid in January this year. In December of 2022 we were told we would be getting a 6% increase which did not happen .

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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  • ULA
    All I can say is go to the meeting as well prepared as you can. However make a point of stating the documents you should have had to ensure a fair and reasonable process. Also ensure this is minuted as part of the note taking of the disciplinary meeting.

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  • Peewee841130
    The investigating manager did not do a report he spoke to HR and Chairman of my disciplinary hearing verbally. I asked if notes were taken which HR said they were but was her and the chairmans personal notes which I was not allowed to have. I asked if investigating manager was adequately trained. Not replied to that either.

    The witness statement provided by the business controller is full of lies which I have email and message evidence on.

    I am going to this disciplinary to clear my name and only that I do not want to ever work for them again.

    The company have been done for fraud back in 2018 and January this year had to pay £68m.

    Their auditors are also investors of the company and renown for being sued for errors in audits

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  • ULA
    What information have you been provided when asked to attend the disciplinary. You should have been sent all the documentary evidence they are going to rely on so that can review and prepare your defence. If you have not had this then I would suggest that you write back and ask them to provide it, including any investigation report or notes in order that you can prepare for the disciplinary meeting and to ensure that it is conducted in a fair and reasonable way in accordance with the ACAS code of conduct.

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  • Peewee841130
    They are only focusing on one customer as well who has gone bust which they are saying is my fault as well. I said what about the other customers payments or they not important. Also on some of the dates I was not in the business has no access to my work laptop as that was in the workplace. So my colleague who input the data would also be falsifying data. The dates they mentioned I have printed out my Google maps history to support my evidence. If it was happening before I took over too, could it be error on system. The department have failed too as they bought it to my attention in January and it goes back to 2020. Three years later. Lots of other branches too have the same issue. I know of another branch who also were going through the same process but the branch manager was not suspended this could be as his father is area manager and also looks after that branch in his region. The person who got sacked also told me that the branch manager never was overseeing his work.

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  • Peewee841130
    Well my disciplinary hearing should of been last Friday but was told Thursday it was adjourned. It is now apparently next week Wednesday. I asked for the investigation report to be told that the investigating manager did not do a report he spoke verbally to the chairman of my disciplinary meeting and HR advised. Surely that is not allowed as anything he said could be biased. They have not followed any ACAS guidelines. They adjourned as needing to do further investigating. My argument was that the investigation should of been fair and thorough. If it was not why send a disciplinary meeting?

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  • Matty B
    My therapist(s) say focus on what you can do and not on what you can't. You just have to try to live day to day until the outcome. I do empathise as many years ago I did something a little foolish and was suspended - the only thing that saved me was because I said the previous manager (who was now and then my boss) had done the same thing- sack me they would have had to sack golden xxxxxxxx

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  • echat11
    It's difficult I know, but try not to focus too much on the situation. When you start thinking about it, find something to do that you enjoy. At the moment you don't know the result of their investigation. From what you say, it sounds like the company are just going through the 'motions', they just want 'someone' to be held accountable for that period.

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  • ULA
    Firstly I am sorry to hear about the poor health of your parents.

    I am assuming you were not dismissed for "allegations of negligence in the role, falsification of data, stock and causing loss and damage to the company" but in fact suspended. I appreciate this must be really stressful for you and will continue my advice on the basis of what you set out in the remainder of the post as being suspended.

    Unfortunately the advisory agencies you have spoken to and legal advisers will only really support you once the internal process has been concluded.

    My view is that you cannot be held to account for historical banking issues prior to you joining in June 2021. Evidence of the allegations would have to be provided for the time from when you joined the company if any disciplinary action were to be taken. Also it is only your responsibility if the allegations for why you have been suspended can be proven to have happened since June 2021 i.e. "on your watch" as you are the branch manager.

    I presume you have been suspended on full pay, if not is there provision for this in any contract of disciplinary policy?

    Investigations should be conducted thoroughly but as expediently as possible, However although it is nearly two weeks the company has notified you in the intervening period (last Thurs) that it is still ongoing, so they are keeping you updated. Did that letter give any indication of timescale?

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