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constructive dismissal

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  • #16
    Keep us updated and if you need any further help as the claim progresses just cone back to this thread.
    If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

    I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
    If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

    You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

    You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

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    • #17
      ok thank you


      • #18
        Got a reply today, saying my works has been sent a ET2 form and a copy of my forms, they have 2 weeks to respond and then i get a copy of theirs if they send 1 in.


        • #19
          Ok thanks for the update. It's a similar process in England although it seems in Guernsey your employer has less time to respond. You are unlikely to hear anything further until a response or not has been submitted from them.

          Keep us updated.
          If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

          I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
          If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

          You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

          You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

          If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


          • #20
            Got this letter today
            Had a feeling they would ask for more time to stretch it out


            • #21
              got a message from 1 of my witness's saying they cant be parley to this any more also they mentioned the date in the letter also had a call from another also saying same thing and also mentioned the date.
              How the hell they know about the date ?
              only me and who i was employed by knew this.

              I think they going round my witness's and sweeting them up to drop out.


              • #22
                So, in England the respondent gets 28 days to complete what we call an ET3 which I think will be the same as the ET2 you refer to and there are often applications to extend this time. Given in Guernsey it's 2 weeks to respond, I am not surprised that they have asked for an extension, so I would not be too worried about that.

                In terms of your witnesses, I presume they are still employees of the company. It is quite often difficult for individuals who continue to be employed by the same company to provide a statement and attend a hearing against their employer. Does your claim rely heavily on the evidence that these witnesses can provide?
                If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


                • #23
                  most of them are ex employees and my main 1 who is an ex manager is very crucial to the case, as he saw empty booze bottles and reported to senior managers, but was brushed under carpet.
                  Again today another 1 dropped out saying they not available on that certain date mentioned in letter from tribunal. no one but my Mrs and tribunal place and ex employer know that date mentioned in letter, when i asked this person my ex employer had spoken to them, he said he can't divulge that information to me.
                  I think its very fishy


                  • #24
                    Are you referring to the extension to the deadline date of 7th Dec?

                    This is not a date for anyone else to have to be available, this is purely the date by which the respondent has to submit the completed ET2 form back the Tribunal.
                    If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                    I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                    If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                    You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                    You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                    If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


                    • #25
                      yes i am, i agree with you on that and understand, but the 3 witnesses that have withdrawn mention this date
                      how can they know this date, cant be a guess


                      • #26
                        If you have not told them then somebody else must have been. At the moment the date is not relevant to anyone other than the respondent.

                        I would however suggest that you contact these individuals if you still need/want them to provide witness statements and see if they are still willing to do this.
                        If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                        I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                        If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                        You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                        You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                        If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


                        • #27
                          I have a video of someone who the employers are using as a witness against me, proving they are lying, also in this video is the store manager.
                          How do i supply this video in my bundle do i have to make 7 copies of it also ?


                          • #28
                            Was the person aware that you were videoing them?
                            If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                            I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                            If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                            You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                            You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                            If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


                            • #29
                              i didn't video them, its on YouTube for all to see, well there is about 12 videos of them, but proves my point in part of my case


                              • #30
                                Any evidence you want to use has to be in direct relation to an incident, event etc that supports the claim/s you are making in your ET1 form.
                                If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

                                I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
                                If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

                                You can’t always stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

                                You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think and stronger than you seem.

                                If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page


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