Hi there, i just stumbled on this site just to get some insight on what my options are involving an investigation at work.
Note; I do have a representative but mainly looking for other legal options which I can also go down relating to any form of workplace laws.
I'm not naming where I work but it is a very well known company and is supposedly "inclusive" in mental health issues and disabilities.
I've been accused of quite a serious allegation against a coworker which supposedly happened AT work and is a full out malicious and harmful lie...
I've been placed on paid suspension as a result as I'm protected (supposably) on mental health terms by my work...
Being told to not talk about the situation to other colleagues, the normal thing to do, which I personally haven't done at all and if people asked as I spoke to a few of them due to my works nature, I just reply with "I've got an illness but I'm fine"
I have only just found out the accuser has told a few people at work about it and one of those people told me about it, I phoned up my work to tell them about it and that I have proof of it and they replied with "I was told that you have told the person as well" to which I asked, in my right, who told them that to which they replied "I am unable to answer that question" - to which I'm assuming, the accuser has told them I have when I've never said anything to anybody.
The accuser is also attempting (I have proof of this too) to try and get other people to back her side with ZERO evidence but that in itself won't help as they are openly talking about the situation to other colleagues, surely?
I feel completely on my own in the situation and I have evidence to prove that it's been spoken about and I'm totally innocent of any wrong-doing.
I've got proof, including coworkers admitting that this person is "profusely lying" and my shifts proving I was at my work station at all times, including CCTV...
The person who told me that the accuser is going around telling people said that she would be willing to write a statement about it.
In legal terms, it's a breach of private, personal and confidential information and harassment, slanderous?
I know it's a data protection issue which can result in immediate dismissal including bullying and harassment.
Help would be very much appreciated.
Note; I do have a representative but mainly looking for other legal options which I can also go down relating to any form of workplace laws.
I'm not naming where I work but it is a very well known company and is supposedly "inclusive" in mental health issues and disabilities.
I've been accused of quite a serious allegation against a coworker which supposedly happened AT work and is a full out malicious and harmful lie...
I've been placed on paid suspension as a result as I'm protected (supposably) on mental health terms by my work...
Being told to not talk about the situation to other colleagues, the normal thing to do, which I personally haven't done at all and if people asked as I spoke to a few of them due to my works nature, I just reply with "I've got an illness but I'm fine"
I have only just found out the accuser has told a few people at work about it and one of those people told me about it, I phoned up my work to tell them about it and that I have proof of it and they replied with "I was told that you have told the person as well" to which I asked, in my right, who told them that to which they replied "I am unable to answer that question" - to which I'm assuming, the accuser has told them I have when I've never said anything to anybody.
The accuser is also attempting (I have proof of this too) to try and get other people to back her side with ZERO evidence but that in itself won't help as they are openly talking about the situation to other colleagues, surely?
I feel completely on my own in the situation and I have evidence to prove that it's been spoken about and I'm totally innocent of any wrong-doing.
I've got proof, including coworkers admitting that this person is "profusely lying" and my shifts proving I was at my work station at all times, including CCTV...
The person who told me that the accuser is going around telling people said that she would be willing to write a statement about it.
In legal terms, it's a breach of private, personal and confidential information and harassment, slanderous?
I know it's a data protection issue which can result in immediate dismissal including bullying and harassment.
Help would be very much appreciated.