Hi, I have my appeal hearing for an UD on Monday. The appointment was only sent out yesterday at 5pm, so haven't much time to seek advice. I was dismissed for unprofessional conduct. I'm a bar manager (13 years service same role) at a large students union, had two of 55 student staff take a disliking to me for very personal reasons and used it to manipulate historic Whatsapp posts - none of which inappropriate - to suggest sarcastic jokes (all harmless and all part of reciprocal banter at the time) weren't professional and a manager shouldn't make them. At the hearing I was told I hadn't shown enough concern that jokes to staff weren't the appropriate behaviour of a mgr-employee relationship and over familiarity with staff a problem. Pretty unfair, as of the four mgrs, i am the least inclicned for having a relationship with staff... in fact, for this very reason, the two staff seem to be holding me to a different standard as the others are their drink buddies. Their joking and conduct is terrible.
I had no inkling the outcome would be dismissal, pretty shocked tbf. For that reason, I did hold back on telling them I have suffered all of my life with opiate addiction and mental health issues (psychosis, anxiety, mood). Without going into the entire back story, I relapsed due to intense pressure placed on me by my line manager which was not balanced throughout the mgt team. I basically did large parts of his job and the anxiety forced me into relapse. My employee knew about my long term mental health issues (psychosis inc over ten years), as did the university occupational therapist in the past. I know the relapse has a huge baring on my dismissal.
Another main reason i struggled in the investigation and hearing was due to not being allowed to speak to ANY staff during it. None of the staff I put forward as witnesses were spoken to either.
In my appeal statement I was very thorough in how my addiction and mental health problems have had a crucial baring on the investigation and informed them why I held back from telling them this beforehand. This was done because there is a culture of gossip at the organisation and telling ANYONE such personal info is very sensitive obviously and private. One previous staff member had her alcohol addiction made known (from the CEO no less... who is conducting the appeal hearing).
I'm wondering how much now I should elaborate on the two staff members conduct... especially as it's pretty calculated? Problem there I haven't been able to get staff involved to help support me... which if i did would have been very helpful building a case. Or should I just stand by my appeal statement and stick to the addiction & mental health issues (none of which i am lying about, have exaggerated on either).
Any help is much appreciated.
I had no inkling the outcome would be dismissal, pretty shocked tbf. For that reason, I did hold back on telling them I have suffered all of my life with opiate addiction and mental health issues (psychosis, anxiety, mood). Without going into the entire back story, I relapsed due to intense pressure placed on me by my line manager which was not balanced throughout the mgt team. I basically did large parts of his job and the anxiety forced me into relapse. My employee knew about my long term mental health issues (psychosis inc over ten years), as did the university occupational therapist in the past. I know the relapse has a huge baring on my dismissal.
Another main reason i struggled in the investigation and hearing was due to not being allowed to speak to ANY staff during it. None of the staff I put forward as witnesses were spoken to either.
In my appeal statement I was very thorough in how my addiction and mental health problems have had a crucial baring on the investigation and informed them why I held back from telling them this beforehand. This was done because there is a culture of gossip at the organisation and telling ANYONE such personal info is very sensitive obviously and private. One previous staff member had her alcohol addiction made known (from the CEO no less... who is conducting the appeal hearing).
I'm wondering how much now I should elaborate on the two staff members conduct... especially as it's pretty calculated? Problem there I haven't been able to get staff involved to help support me... which if i did would have been very helpful building a case. Or should I just stand by my appeal statement and stick to the addiction & mental health issues (none of which i am lying about, have exaggerated on either).
Any help is much appreciated.