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Hello, from a self representing claimant at ET

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  • Hello, from a self representing claimant at ET

    Hello all and grateful to be here!

    I am currently going through an employment tribunal (equal pay). Due to lack of funds, I am representing myself and happened to find this amazing place.

    The employment tribunal CMO has dates set for draft index, hard/electronic copy, witness statements and the hearing. I'd be interested in learning a thing or two in this forum as well as helping with my own case. I also know lots about safety law if I can return the favour

    I am simply lost with how all this works and believe the respondents legal team may be using tactics to prevent use of proof/evidence to help put my case across efficiently.
    As it stands I am trying to go for "like work" and it would be lovely to talk to someone and help me get clarity on what to ask for, what to do and how this may pan out.

    Thanks in advance

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  • #2
    Sorry to hear you are going through an employment tribunal (ET) claim, I appreciate that the process and protocols can be daunting but we can help you through this as best we can.

    I am presuming that as it as is an equal pay claim you are still employed at the company you are bringing the claim against?

    So the CMO will have set out the dates by which you and the respondent will need to produce and exchange documents, so effectively you need to work towards producing what is required at each stage. The first date is likely to be the production of the list of documents that you will both want to rely on for setting out your claim. Some of these document you may already have in your possession and some you may reasonably expect the respondent to have.

    You state that you believe "the respondents legal team may be using tactics to prevent use of proof/evidence to help put my case across efficiently" we will need some further information to be able to provide some advice.

    I have also linked below to the Tribunal Rules of Procedure which you should familarise yourself with:

    If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

    I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
    If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

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    • #3
      Hi Ula, thanks for this response

      I will post an update on here in due course.


      • #4
        Hi TechNikki

        My OH is currently going through an ET at the moment so happy to give you some tips from our experience.

        If you are aware of any key documents that exist regarding you and helpful to your claim, but are not in possession of those documents, then please submit a subject access request ASAP so you receive before your disclosure date.

        Although the CMO states to provide all documents in your possession within the bundle, do not trust the respondent to do the right thing. Thankfully we included everything we had but the respondent had lots of key documents missing and had hoped we wouldn’t include them as we would expect them to include instead.

        Also, list all your documents (inc emails/texts/WhatsApp messages) in chronological order as it provides a timeline of events.

        When the respondent prepares the joint bundle, you usually have two weeks to comment on it. Go through with a fine tooth comb, we had a large amount of documents missing. This is a usual tactic the respondents and their legal representatives like to try incase you’re too bogged down with all the documentation to notice anything missing. They’ll try their luck in any which way they can to prevent you having certain documents within the bundle so you can not rely on in court.


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