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Furlough Fraud problems

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  • Furlough Fraud problems


    I am just wondering what to do in a situation. I was allowed to leave a company in January 2021 who never made it known they had made or were making furlough claims for me. The last wages to come from this company was in December 2020. If this employer had in anyway told me what they were doing, I would never have gone on to start another job.

    I have that ex employer now of 2020 who won't admit they committed or attempted to commit furlough fraud. Despite their being a notification on my HMRC tax record, I received 4 recordings of wages when I never received a penny and the company name appearing on a public HRMC 'transparency' database of those who claimed furlough.

    My heart tells me HRMC aren't bothered but what happens when people are left with inaccurate records? - I struggle how you can be expected to talk to 'the employer' about these problems and yet being encouraged to report with the report form saying - "for your own protection, please do not find out anything relating to the fraud."

    My ex employer is trying to suggest HMRC had systems issues, along their accountant just making errors.

    My real problem is with the HRMC recordings still existing nearly a year on from when I made the discovery by looking at my online HMRC's tax account, I am sure this has contributed to there being an underpayment of tax.

    In April 2021 I decided not to go to a tribunal for 9 days wages of January 2021 I was owed (I know now I should have gone this way as it would have been key to correcting my record with HRMC) - I didn't want the reputation of going through such for a small sum of money - as it is each job I now have, where they want reference from furlough fraud company, (where I get it why the employer can't write correct dates on reference if they are guilty of fraud) I end up explaining what went on and now I feel so vulnerable myself, I can understand why a company of 2021 didn't pay my last wages when I was due holiday as I must be some easy target now and honestly as time goes on I feel sick having to relive it. But I also know from the employer who withheld this last wage, last year, that they didn't report to HRMC so I'm unsure why company of 2020 made any recordings at all considering my last pay was in the December.

    What should my next move be? Should I get the company involved who I would have joined in January 2021?
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  • #2
    Please delete as clearly this forum isn't interested, by the action of moving my post into some sub forum.


    • #3
      Apologies, we are volunteer community and not always available and I had not picked your post up in the Welcome forum.

      Sorry not all of your post is very clear so can I just confirm my understanding:

      1. You were paid full salary up until you left in Dec 2020, you were never formally notified you were on furlough leave so you continued to work, however the company was claiming 80% of your salary from the CJRS?

      2. There is a record of 4 wages information going form this company to HMRC for which you have not received any actual payment?

      3. You did not claim for 9 days of non-paid wages by this company

      4. You have reported the company to HMRC for CJRS fraud?

      5. I am very confused when you say "I can understand why a company of 2021 didn't pay my last wages when I was due holiday... " Were you owed wages from a company you worked for in 2021?

      Has all of this aused you an issue with your tax situation and if so have you spoken to someone directly at HMRC about your tax records?

      Please can you provide answers to the above so that I can better understand your situation and what advice to be able to give you.
      If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

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