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Expected to take work equipment home

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  • Expected to take work equipment home

    Hi. Just wondering if employers can make staff take work equipment, such as laptops, home with them each night and bring into work the next day. I was fine with doing this when we had a hybrid working model, but now that we've been told we can no longer work from home, I see no reason to be expected to carry work equipment, when I take public transport and have back problems, not to mention the inconvenience of wanting to go straight out after work but be expected to be responsible for this equipment when I'm not actually working.

    Some employees have questioned why we are expected to do this when we're no longer working from home and been told that they need to incase theres a snow day and the office is closed, or if we need to work at an alternative office should a fault occur, or if the office needs to close due to a Covid case.
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  • #2
    Hi ANG70

    What does the employee handbook say regards work equipment?
    Also what would happen if the equipment got lost / stolen in transit?
    Would it be insured?
    What if there's highly confidential / sensitive information on the laptop and it's lost?

    ULA Can you please take a look and advise, many thanks.


    • #3

      Nothing in employee handbook about taking home work equipment, at least not for my role, possibly for Senior Management who are expected to be on call. I have never been asked or expected to take home work equipment prior to lockdown and home working.

      I'm sure the equipment would be insured and confidential information would be secure. I would still feel responsible though if I had to come into work and say that I had lost the laptop on the bus or on a night out after work.

      I find it a huge inconvenience due to having a disability and having to take public transport, and also the inconvenience of being restricted in going out after work.

      If I don't have the benefit of working at home, I'm not prepared to be inconvenienced on the off chance that it will be convenient for the business should they possibly have to close the office for a day or two but still have me working. I don't often bring up issues, but am prepared to stand my ground on this one. Just want to be prepared for what they may come back with, as they're usually very tight on regulations etc, although they may just not be thinking it through properly and realise how it impacts non drivers.


      • #4
        If you've had an informal conversation with your manager and haven't been listened to, then raise a Formal Grievance in writing. You say other employees are in the same position, then it might be an idea to raise a Joint Grievance in writing. Management will come back to you with a response, if it isn't satisfactory, then management will arrange a meeting where you and your colleagues can state your positions on the matter and try and find resolution.



        • #5
          If the company are requiring staff to take equipment to and from work with them, then in my view, there should be a poiicy in place that sets out for employees things like, insurance, security of data, what happens if the item is lost or stolen etc and this maybe some that you could point out to you employer.

          What this may also come down to is whether the company feels that this is a reasonable instruction to give to employees for them to comply with.

          I would say that trying to deal with this by raising the practical implications of this instruction maybe a good starting point. Also if the company are already aware of your back issues, for you, that may be an additional factor that needs to be taken into account.
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