I was working at xxx for over 2 years. As you could imagine they are busy stores.
i had to get a cover for a colleague who was ill at the time. So i sent txt msgs to few colleagues.
1 of them said he will think about it. But as the day was getting closer for the shift that needed covering i had sent numerous msgs to confirm. He eventually agteed but later that week he put grievence in that i bullied him to do it.
The manager called me in and said there is a grievence. You have 2 options. Either resign or get investigation. Which could lead to termimation. So i resigned with immediate affect. The following day manager saod stay away from xxx for 8 months. Meaning dont apply for a role. Its been 1.5 years now.
my 2 question are "could he still stop me from applying?"
can he bring investigation back of i am employed with xxx?" Please answer if you definitely know the answer. No guesses please.
i had to get a cover for a colleague who was ill at the time. So i sent txt msgs to few colleagues.
1 of them said he will think about it. But as the day was getting closer for the shift that needed covering i had sent numerous msgs to confirm. He eventually agteed but later that week he put grievence in that i bullied him to do it.
The manager called me in and said there is a grievence. You have 2 options. Either resign or get investigation. Which could lead to termimation. So i resigned with immediate affect. The following day manager saod stay away from xxx for 8 months. Meaning dont apply for a role. Its been 1.5 years now.
my 2 question are "could he still stop me from applying?"
can he bring investigation back of i am employed with xxx?" Please answer if you definitely know the answer. No guesses please.