I need your help please.
My situation is this:
I have been with employer (leading University in the UK) for 9 years. Myself and my manager have fallen out and her manager supports her. There have been greivance process (investigated by an independent manager) also and my manager has been put on a training program as a result. The fallout is quite serious!
I have decided to leave my employer and currently in the process of applying for a new job but no guarantee that I will get this but need to be prepared incase I get an offer. My new employer is a contract (not permanent) and is actually our software suppliers!
I have 37 days annual leave and I haven't taken them and my notice period is 4 months. So if I hand in my notice period on the 1st October then my contract is still in effect until 1 January 2021.
Incase I get a job offer with my new employer they will be wanting me to start asap. I will know this by end of this week.
This is what I have planned in my mind - assuming I get the job:
- Tell my new employer I will be able to start from 1st November.
- Tell my current employer that I am handing my resingation on the 1st October.
- Use my annual leave between 1st October and 1st January 2021 - 37 days - only work for 2-3 weeks in October within my notice period. I will book this after or on the 1st October
- Incase I get an offer by end of this week with my new employer - I don't want to hand in my notice early as I want to be able to make use of the Christmas break - paid time off between 24th Dec - 1st Jan. Additionally, the risk of me wanting to hand in my notice early is they would have use every chance to make sure I don't get my Christmas pay off as three months falls before the Christmas break! (the relationship is that poor right now).
I just want to know whether this approach is possible? I know this is not really the best way of leaving the company but with all the issues I really don't care what happens to them / neither I am looking to get their support with my immediate managers (or her manager) for exit and want any type of contact with them.
Thank you.