Hi all,
So, thanks for reading and hopefully being able to offer some help. The situation is as below:
I started a job in summer 2016 and the employer funded a degree course starting Sept 16 for 3 years. As way of 'payment', there was an agreement made that if I should leave the business within a certain time period, I'd be liable for a percentage of the costs. That agreement was signed on 02/09/16.
I've been headhunted and offered a job at a direct competitor for a near 70% pay rise and a better package, commuting arrangements etc so it's absolutely a no brainer that I'm taking it. I've told them I may not be able to start until 06/09/21 and they can handle this. However, I'll be honest and say I've already lost any sort of interest knowing how seriously underpaid I must be to attract such a large increase from a competitor.
As per the above dates, my agreement was signed on 02/09/16 and my last working day would be 03/09/21, putting me effectively into year 6 of the agreement, albeit by a day only. This is crucial as it reduces my liabilities from 20% to 5% of the cost (which for a 3 year BSc is going to be £27k, I expect, unless the employer can claim relief)
Now my contractual notice period is 4 weeks. The contract allows the employer to make payment in lieu of notice if they choose to. My concerns are as follows:
If I were to provide an extended period of notice, could they then start playing games and decide to put me on 'temporary layoff' or some such, or would this then become grounds for constructive dismissal.
If they opt for the PILON option, surely as my notice period extends into year 6 they would have no valid claim to try and recover the year 5 cost levels?
Repayment - I assume I would have to agree a repayment settlement with them, i.e. they can't just deduct the funds from my pay?
My new employer has stated that they can get me started with a weeks notice any time from now, so I'd be more than happy to come to some sort of arrangement as waiving my notice pay and leaving immediately in exchange for my training cost liabilities to also be waived. Assumedly in this case regardless I'd be owed any outstanding holidays including carry overs from last year.