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Employment tribunal

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  • Employment tribunal

    Hello, I have a bit of situation here. I used to work in a bar owned by private owners. The whole place was just a big mess. For a long time they do not provide any contracts, make people to work very long shifts (up to 16h sometimes) and without any breaks. Even during restrictions, they were breaking all the rules so they could make as much money as they could. They tried to avoid paying tax for staff, didn't pay pension, to avoid tax from money they earned during weekends, they just didn't put them on the system, but they were taking cash and putting on the side and etc. So I'm taking them to tribunal for such issues, but the problem is that people who decided to write witness statements are scared that their identities will be disclosed. And also as my identity is already clear to them, they are known in the city as very rich and powerful owners. They deal with gangs, criminals and drug dealers. They can pay off licencing or maybe even police. Could anyone help me out with the claim to the tribunal? And also, without any sugar coating and just saying that it can be illegal to happen - is there a chance that I'm putting myself in situation where I might end up being hurt or not getting help from the police? What would happen if they would pay off the witnesses from inside? Thank you
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  • #2
    Celestine ULA

    What exactly is part of your claim, as some of the COVID rule breaking would not fall under employment law. In regards to there being any chance of you putting yourself in a situation where you may end up hurt, I cannot really offer any advice on this as you know yourself who you would be going up against. Also the police and courts may be able to offer support if the situation escalates, this would have to be something you would have to discuss and voice your concerns. As for the possibility of witnesses being paid off, then this would be investigated however if it means they change their stories or recant then this may obviously damage your chances of success however it is not guaranteed because a judge could see through these recanted versions. All in all, there is not anything i can guarantee, ultimately it would be to you to weigh up the pros and cons and maybe have another conversation with the police and courts as to what are the chances of success and whether it is worth it.

    ​​​​​​​Hope this helped somewhat
    I am a law student undertaking work experience on the LegalBeagles forum. My advice is from my own experience only and is given without liability. If in any doubt, please contact a regulated and insured legal professional to seek further advice.


    • #3
      In regard to the employment law, you could possible look at alcohol licencing and if any misconduct was taking place at the premise. You will need evidence before you start the tribunal. Such as training, if you were trained under a DPS or if someone had a personal license. How or what was happening within the bar i.e. If the DPS was not on site (this can only happen if they think the staff are all trained properly), irresponsible promotions, a age verification policy or EMROs (Early morning alcohol restriction orders) such as:
      • high levels of alcohol-related crime and disorder in specific areas at specific times
      • serious public nuisance
      • other instances of alcohol-related antisocial behaviour which are not directly attributable to specific premises
      From the Licensing Act 2003, you can determine/ show misconduct at the workplace which may help with your tribunal, hope this helps.

      This is a Forum and we can not solicit legal advice.


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