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Advice on how to gently and kindly terminate employee during probation period

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  • Advice on how to gently and kindly terminate employee during probation period

    To all business owners and employers out there, I am able to find the legal aspects of how to terminate an employee during probation period, but I wondered if anyone had any phrasing or conversation starters, as to how to deal with this unpleasant process! (eg 'the "its not me its you" way to end a relationship ;-)
    We employed a designer 5 weeks ago, and he just isn't the right fit for the job.
    We are a small company so 'fit' is really important and the wrong person can really impact on the rest of the team.
    From a capability perspective: his timekeeping is perfect. but his speed at which he works is really slow.. and I have pulled him aside to discuss this already.
    He blamed just about everything possible for his slowness... including our computers and servers...
    Since we have tried to make him more commercially aware of the speed at which he works, he has become more withdrawn and quiet - so I suspect he isn't totally happy working like this.
    He is also asking the same basic questions again and again and again.
    Despite being given training.

    How would you handle this?
    He isn't right for us - and more importantly I dont think we are right for him...

    I want to open up the conversation to say something like "our working environment can be quite pressured at times, and we want our staff to thrive in that environment, and Im aware that isn't suitable for everyone." the of thing

    Does anyone have any kind and gentle words I could use to get the conversation going?
    I dont want to get in to his personality not fitting as that's too personal.. I need to keep it to capability and slowness of his work, and repeatedly asking the same questions despite being given training and a line manager to assist.

    Tags: None

  • #2
    It is important that all staff are happy and I know that you are not happy here. It seems the way we work is not quite right for the way you work and I don't think that the two will fit together well in the future. You are skilled in (good things) - there are some issues with (bad things) - but your talents in (good things) will be a wonderful asset to another company who fits you better (praise sandwich)., Good luck! I once had to do this to someone when 3 days from my pregnancy due date and his parents turned up to argue with me....


    • #3
      thank you so much islandGirl.. I was struggling to find the words and phrasing!!! Really appreciate you taking the time to help!


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