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Workplace Investigation

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  • Workplace Investigation


    Looking for some guidance on a matter at my workplace whereby I am currently part of an investigation.

    On 10/3 I recieved a call from HR to state that I would be sent a letter shortly to invite me to a workplace investigation regarding a matter of conduct. I asked what it was about but the lady would not tell me.

    On 11/3 I recieved said letter via email inviting me to a meeting on 17/3, yet still no explanation of what the meeting was about.

    On 17/3 I attended the meeting and was told that it was in relation to a matter I had not directly been involved with this time around (contract), yet in the past (4 years ago) I had been. However the reason I was being questioned still was not clear yet I preceded to answer their questions anyway. It was not until the last question where I got an understanding of what the issue may be and in essence I was asked if I knew of anyone that had offered or asked for money in relation to the contract, which I didn't. As I was not involved in it.

    On 24/3 I was sent an email with a copy of my meeting transcript, which wasn't exactly how things were said and bits didn't make sense with interviewer contradictions and mistakes, but I noted this and sent it to my personal email for reference and record. I was not asked to go back with any corrections, nor was I asked to sign to validate the transcript yet the copy I sent to my email from work will prove in future I made updates on those discrepancies in case of any comeback. I was also advised in the email that they expect to complete the investigation within the next 5 days and that I should hear back following the Easter break, which actually wasn't until 13 days!

    It's now been 28 days following that email and I have heard nothing. Should I be going back and asking what the status is? Whilst I do not feel I have done anything wrong that's not stopping me feeling anxious about why I was questioned and how that will be portrayed by others, I am all too familiar with workplace gossip and the bias that it imposes, regardless of whether that is right or wrong.

    I am aware that others are involved as there are a number of people involved in said contract however I have not spoken with them on this, although because I have not been kept informed by the business in line with their notes I'm starting to think I should ask one of them if they have heard anything.

    Any advice appreciated.

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  • #2
    This sounds like it is a general investigation at this stage.

    Just a point to pick up on if there had been discrepancies in the notes from the meeting I would probably have just asked the person who sent them whether to send back a copy of the notes you had made so they knew what corrections you had made.

    It was probably that the investigation i.e. meetings with people would complete in 5 days and then they have to give time to prepare the report, hence the timescales of after Easter to give time for that to be done.

    It may well be worth just going back to the person who sent the email to ask whether the investigation is now concluded but if not is there an update on timescales. See what come back.

    I would certainly not advise speaking to anyone else about it.
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