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LIP claiming Unfair Dismissal - Question about future losses

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  • LIP claiming Unfair Dismissal - Question about future losses

    Hi all, thank you in advance for any advice you can give.

    I'm an LIP awaiting a final hearing for Unfair Dismissal, but also agreed to Judicial Mediation. I've been unemployed for approx a year since being made redundant, but have taken all reasonable steps. The EJ said they did not require a statement of loss as the math was fairly straight forward.

    I understand that the cap on UD payouts is one years salary. However, there has since been some significant documentation disclosed since exchanging statements, which could likely show that due to complaining of bullying, I wasn't given reviews, pay rises and opportunities other employees were.

    It has also put a significant effect on my ability to find similar employment of a similar salary as I worked in a very niche position and industry.

    My question is - would any award based on future losses, or lost wages due to the inability to receive opportunity to have a pay rise, go beyond the cap of one years salary? Or if the EJ made an award for one years salary due to me being unemployed for that length, would that be the cap regardless of any further factors?

    Thanks again for any help.
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  • #2
    There is a cap on compensatory awards for unfair dismissal of £88,519. This means that if your gross pay for a year is higher than this amount, a tribunal can't award you more than £88,519.

    If you earn less than £88,519, there's also a cap on the amount you can be awarded. The limit is one year's gross pay. A tribunal cannot award you more than this, regardless of how much you've worked out your claim to be worth.

    The £88,519 figure applies if you were dismissed on or after 6 April 2020, if you were dismissed on or after 6 April 2019, the compensation cap is £86,444.
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