Hi ,
I have been dismissed under the grounds off gross misconduct.
I work in a buisness where we are under an umbrella for a large supermarket chain .
During the coronovirus we were transfered over onto shopfloor which changed our job roles and shift patterns although we were still under the contract of employment with our original employer.
I was off with covid 19 a total of 5 weeks, i did not recieve a return to work prior to working and was not given the relevant training to do my job or guidance i did not do any training until 5 weeks after . I'm still 2 short of payment for sickness .
During my investigation I feel it was not private was in the company cafe at the time although was closed to customers there was a maintenance man present during my investigation .
After my investigation i recieved a letter inviting me to disciplinary hearing through email.
On the letter it was dated for the following day the 29th, but I was to inform them by 23rd if i could attend i was not given any evidence to support the claims against me only when they brought it up during disciplinary, to which I could not prepare myself to answer allegations against myself relating to evidence. They now want to give me copies of this evidence after my dismissal
Under my contract with my own company I was on a flexible contract 16 hrs a week over 5days during the hours of 7am and 8pm I was put onto shifts starting at 4am in the morning on the shop floor.
I also have knowledge of other employees admitting to doing what is classed as gross misconduct under company policy and no disciplinary meeting happening .
I'm looking for advice as to if any of this is legal and if I can do anything about this going forward ?
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