I presume when completing the ET1 at 9.1 your partner ticked the box for reinstatement and compensation? In which case what you need to do is draft a covering letter that confirms that in accordance with the completion of the ET1 at 9.1 your partner wishes to be reinstated with compensation. In regard to the compensation you will need to refer to the Schedule of Loss document that you have prepared and which n
If this is to be sent to the Tribunal then you also need to send a copy to the other side and include in your letter to the Tribunal the following phrase "In accordance with rule 92 of the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure 2013, I have sent a copy of this correspondence to the other party".
eeds to attached.
*If this is to be sent to the Tribunal then you also need to send a copy to the other side and include in your letter to the Tribunal the following phrase "In accordance with rule 92 of the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure 2013, I have sent a copy of this correspondence to the other party".