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Having my job 'pulled' 3 days before starting

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  • Having my job 'pulled' 3 days before starting

    Hi, this is my first post on the forum so please let me know if something needs changing to adhere to any rules.

    I was recently successful at gaining an apprenticeship at a properties company found via the /.gov government apprenticeship website. The training company the apprenticeship was run through was called Somerset skills and learning. I was due to start there on Monday coming 04/11, so had obviously handed my notice in at current my job, worked my months notice and left. In the meantime, I had also turned down another job opportunity I was successful in as this was the apprenticeship I wanted and I liked the employers I met on the interview day. Yesterday I received a call from Somerset skills and learning (the training side of the apprenticeship) to say the company had pulled my job due to 'funding'. This was 3 days before I was meant to start. She was mortified to have to tell me, but I hadn't yet signed a contract as that was due to be done on Monday, so that's why I'm posting here, as I don't think anything can be done. Naturally I am fuming, now unemployed as I left my job for this, and turned down another job, I am now not bringing in any income to cover my bills and rent this month. I contacted my employer directly by email saying how disgusted I was about the whole thing, expressing my concerns that 3 days notice before I start my job is disgraceful and I won't have enough money to cover my bills. I wanted a proper explanation as to why this has happened and why I've been kept so in the dark that I hear 3 days before. The employer replied saying that it was SS&L's fault, they had had disagreements and basically pointed the finger at them. This is quoted from the reply

    'Unfortunately, the whole situation has been poorly mishandled by SS&L. **company who I won't name** have aired all of our concerns directly with SS&L. The entire process has been somewhat of a disaster - from both your side and ours. They have let us all down. I am genuinely sorry that you have been caught up in their mismanagement - but unfortunately, I can't help beyond this.''

    To me it sounds like they've had disagreements and decided to pull my job because of them, which I think is disgraceful. While I never signed a contract so doubt anything can be done, I do have the section of my employement on the government website which says 'successful' next to my application and have formally accepted the position over the phone which can be proven. I've also had communication with the employer as to the start date, location and what to wear etc. The whole process has been shambles and poorly handled, and I'm now out of money and out of a job. Can anything be done? Thanks
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  • #2
    I am really sorry to hear about your situation and it seems like there a blame game going on here with neither side admitting the issue is their problem.

    On some practical thoughts:

    1. Firstly did you have a formal offer and did you accept that offer even if it was verbal? If so then a contract was in place and you could have an argument to go back to the company and request that they pay you notice in accordance with your notice period. It may not be much bit at least it might help.

    2. I also suggest that you back to SS&L and explain what the company has said with their version of events and ask whether this is correct or not? I would also ask them about what their process will be given the circumstances for trying to place your apprenticeship with a new employer as soon as possible.

    Hope that helps and just come back to this thread if you have any more questions.
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