Looking for abit of advice about suitable alternative employment law within the company i work for. I work in the public sector and my current role is office based, data entry type of work. For various reasons the work in our current job is drying up, so our employer want to redeploy us on other jobs rather than make us redundant.
One of these other jobs is call centre work based in the same office. The job is obviously quite abit different than sat at a PC all day typing in figures. Not just that, the new job is shift work and some weekend work ( current job is flexi and Mon-Fri only). Ontop of that i suffer with anxiety and in particular phone anxiety, hence why i originally took this job as i was told it doesnt involve phone calls.
Our employer was originally looking for volunteers for the new job, but very few did so now they said they will select people. They have now said if you dont accept the new job if you get selected to do it, only option is to quit.
Ive read up on redeploy in the workplace and it seems employers have to give you a trial period, the job has to be suitable and if not, the employee can take redundancy. The fact i would have serious mental health issues doing the job, for me makes it unsuitable. Not to mention the change in working patterns (flexi to shift work).
Unison have apparently said it is acceptable alternative employement, but GMB who im with arent so sure when i spoke to them. They told me to hang fire until the time comes when im selected, and then they will get involved.
So where do i stand here? The whole situation is massively stressful
Looking for abit of advice about suitable alternative employment law within the company i work for. I work in the public sector and my current role is office based, data entry type of work. For various reasons the work in our current job is drying up, so our employer want to redeploy us on other jobs rather than make us redundant.
One of these other jobs is call centre work based in the same office. The job is obviously quite abit different than sat at a PC all day typing in figures. Not just that, the new job is shift work and some weekend work ( current job is flexi and Mon-Fri only). Ontop of that i suffer with anxiety and in particular phone anxiety, hence why i originally took this job as i was told it doesnt involve phone calls.
Our employer was originally looking for volunteers for the new job, but very few did so now they said they will select people. They have now said if you dont accept the new job if you get selected to do it, only option is to quit.
Ive read up on redeploy in the workplace and it seems employers have to give you a trial period, the job has to be suitable and if not, the employee can take redundancy. The fact i would have serious mental health issues doing the job, for me makes it unsuitable. Not to mention the change in working patterns (flexi to shift work).
Unison have apparently said it is acceptable alternative employement, but GMB who im with arent so sure when i spoke to them. They told me to hang fire until the time comes when im selected, and then they will get involved.
So where do i stand here? The whole situation is massively stressful