I made an application for a new position to my former employer who replying to me that he refuses to consider it because some years ago when I was his employee I made a complaint that I consider as being a qualifying disclosure. I consider that this is an act of detrimental treatment
We have three months to make a claim for detrimental treatment to the Employment Tribunal and I think that this deadline starts at the time of the act of detrimental treatment i.e. recently when I applied for this new position and not when the qualifying disclosure was made some years ago when I was an employee of this employer
However the issue is to know if to qualify to make a claim to the Employment Tribunal the act of detrimental treatment should have taken place when we are employee or it could have been taken place when we were not anymore an employee for example during the recruitment process for a new position
We have three months to make a claim for detrimental treatment to the Employment Tribunal and I think that this deadline starts at the time of the act of detrimental treatment i.e. recently when I applied for this new position and not when the qualifying disclosure was made some years ago when I was an employee of this employer
However the issue is to know if to qualify to make a claim to the Employment Tribunal the act of detrimental treatment should have taken place when we are employee or it could have been taken place when we were not anymore an employee for example during the recruitment process for a new position