Hi There
I hope that this is in the correct section?
Basically whilst I was employed with a Company, my business took some Photographs for the company, and they have used them for many internal bulletins and on their websites.
They just made me redundant with a feeble excuse that the work has been contracted out, which I am not overly worried about.
I was ill for a long time, and within that time I had to see the Occupational Health.
They made no effort to find out the status of my Health.
I went back for 1 day, and they concluded I wasn't well enough, which was wrong.
1. Can I ask for payment for my Photography that they have used?
2. I will be getting no redundancy money, as they say I have been there under 2 years, which is fair enough.
3. I still have some of their equipment, which I will return even if they don't pay me, as I try and live a moral life.
4. How do I stand with the Law, regarding my Photographs?
5. How do I stand when it comes to the equipment?
I hope that this is in the correct section?
Basically whilst I was employed with a Company, my business took some Photographs for the company, and they have used them for many internal bulletins and on their websites.
They just made me redundant with a feeble excuse that the work has been contracted out, which I am not overly worried about.
I was ill for a long time, and within that time I had to see the Occupational Health.
They made no effort to find out the status of my Health.
I went back for 1 day, and they concluded I wasn't well enough, which was wrong.
1. Can I ask for payment for my Photography that they have used?
2. I will be getting no redundancy money, as they say I have been there under 2 years, which is fair enough.
3. I still have some of their equipment, which I will return even if they don't pay me, as I try and live a moral life.
4. How do I stand with the Law, regarding my Photographs?
5. How do I stand when it comes to the equipment?