Hi All,
I would be really grateful if you could give me a basic opinion on a case that I have currently got going ahead for maternity discrimination and unfair dismissal. The respondent has not offered me a penny in way of a settlement but appears to be so laid back with this case, I really cannot fathom their actions!
I will try to give you a brief overview:
I was made redundant via a letter 2 days before Christmas, 6 months into my maternity leave, without any prior warning, The reason given was that my job had become 'surplus to requirements'. I was not given a right to appeal. I know it wasn't a genuine redundancy because the person who was performing my role during maternity leave had been taken on in a permanent position and was not made redundant, along with several other members of staff performing the same role (some of which had started after myself).
Prior to this I had placed a flexible working request. This had been handled horrifically with myself having to chase their response more than 10 times, getting ignored on several occasions, attending two meeting and still I did not receive an answer. No answer was given to my request, when I received my letter of termination it had been more than 3 months since I placed my request.
I raised a grievance straight away and asked how they had come to make their decision and how I had been chosen specifically. The only reason given was due to sales within the company, there was no explanation as to why I had been chosen over others. Again I was not given a right to appeal.
I contacted ACAS and began early conciliation, at this point they told the ACAS conciliator that I had not appealed, and my conciliator advised me to for fear it may jeopardise any compensation I may earn in court if I did not. I explained that by this point I could not return to work for a lack of trust and now feeling uncomfortable, but he advised me to appeal anyway.
I appealed and made it clear I only sought an agreement in the form of compensation, suddenly on the back of this appeal I got offered my job back due to a 'change in circumstances.' I later turned this down and continued with my claim after being advised to by solicitors.
After completing my claim, I received threatening letters from the respondent's solicitor saying that I had been reinstated following on from my appeal, and therefore my dismissal never technically happened and therefore I had no claim for unfair dismissal. They also threatened to make a cost order if I didn't withdraw right away. I was shocked by this as I had been offered my job back not told of a reinstatement, I never gave consent, and I had not been paid any money owed to me and therefore suspect I was never actually reinstated. I stuck to my guns and continued with my claim, after all it is for discrimination and a failure to handle a flexible working request in a reasonable time frame as well as unfair dismissal.
A few weeks before the preliminary hearing the respondent requested that the court strike my claim out on the basis that I had been reinstated and that my dismissal had vanished. I applied for an appeal if necessary to change my dismissal from unfair dismissal to constructive unfair dismissal if it is deemed that the dismissal had vanished because I had been reinstated (arguable as that is). The judge declined their order and said that regardless of how I was dismissed my claim for unfair dismissal would stand. He almost laughed in their face at the prospect of a cost order being made against me, and said that their defence regarding the reinstatement was weak anyway considering I had never been given a contract, they had not made the reinstatement explicit to me and I had not been paid.
I was also shocked that the respondent has only got one witness. I assume that this is the chief executive (the person I believe was pulling the strings), however the majority of my case, meetings, correspondence etc is between myself and two managers who have not been called as witnesses. How can they defend something if they do not have a witness to defend it?
We disclosed documents this week and I was surprised to see that the respondent's list of documents was smaller than my own, it only contains letters that have been sent from either of us, and lacks emails between myself and my managers that I obviously have. I requested any documentation to be provided regarding their decision to hire my maternity cover on a permanent basis, the decision to make me redundant, how the restructuring affected the company, the handling of my flexible working request, the meetings regarding my request, the handling of my appeal and the decision to reinstate my employment. Obviously this would be emails, documents, meeting notes etc. I also asked for evidence that I had been reinstated in the company.
I have been told that they do not have any such documents. NOTHING. Am I missing something? Does this not just say 'guilty'? Why are they still proceeding with this case? I don't understand how they can have no documentation throughout all of this. Therefore they must have something to hide. And how can they possibly prove themselves in court with no evidence?
What do you think guys?
Also what happens now that I have been told that they do not have any of the documents I have requested? Do I ask them to use the email regarding this as part of the bundle of evidence so that the tribunal can see that they claim they do not have any documentation? Or do I ask the tribunal for an order regardless?
I am in a right mind to make a cost order myself. I am representing myself but understand you can make time orders. I am new mother, who suffers from depression and all the time and energy spent on this case seems to be such a waste of time. It seems apparent to me that they should be offering a settlement. Should I make a cost order?
Sorry for the life story!
I would be really grateful if you could give me a basic opinion on a case that I have currently got going ahead for maternity discrimination and unfair dismissal. The respondent has not offered me a penny in way of a settlement but appears to be so laid back with this case, I really cannot fathom their actions!
I will try to give you a brief overview:
I was made redundant via a letter 2 days before Christmas, 6 months into my maternity leave, without any prior warning, The reason given was that my job had become 'surplus to requirements'. I was not given a right to appeal. I know it wasn't a genuine redundancy because the person who was performing my role during maternity leave had been taken on in a permanent position and was not made redundant, along with several other members of staff performing the same role (some of which had started after myself).
Prior to this I had placed a flexible working request. This had been handled horrifically with myself having to chase their response more than 10 times, getting ignored on several occasions, attending two meeting and still I did not receive an answer. No answer was given to my request, when I received my letter of termination it had been more than 3 months since I placed my request.
I raised a grievance straight away and asked how they had come to make their decision and how I had been chosen specifically. The only reason given was due to sales within the company, there was no explanation as to why I had been chosen over others. Again I was not given a right to appeal.
I contacted ACAS and began early conciliation, at this point they told the ACAS conciliator that I had not appealed, and my conciliator advised me to for fear it may jeopardise any compensation I may earn in court if I did not. I explained that by this point I could not return to work for a lack of trust and now feeling uncomfortable, but he advised me to appeal anyway.
I appealed and made it clear I only sought an agreement in the form of compensation, suddenly on the back of this appeal I got offered my job back due to a 'change in circumstances.' I later turned this down and continued with my claim after being advised to by solicitors.
After completing my claim, I received threatening letters from the respondent's solicitor saying that I had been reinstated following on from my appeal, and therefore my dismissal never technically happened and therefore I had no claim for unfair dismissal. They also threatened to make a cost order if I didn't withdraw right away. I was shocked by this as I had been offered my job back not told of a reinstatement, I never gave consent, and I had not been paid any money owed to me and therefore suspect I was never actually reinstated. I stuck to my guns and continued with my claim, after all it is for discrimination and a failure to handle a flexible working request in a reasonable time frame as well as unfair dismissal.
A few weeks before the preliminary hearing the respondent requested that the court strike my claim out on the basis that I had been reinstated and that my dismissal had vanished. I applied for an appeal if necessary to change my dismissal from unfair dismissal to constructive unfair dismissal if it is deemed that the dismissal had vanished because I had been reinstated (arguable as that is). The judge declined their order and said that regardless of how I was dismissed my claim for unfair dismissal would stand. He almost laughed in their face at the prospect of a cost order being made against me, and said that their defence regarding the reinstatement was weak anyway considering I had never been given a contract, they had not made the reinstatement explicit to me and I had not been paid.
I was also shocked that the respondent has only got one witness. I assume that this is the chief executive (the person I believe was pulling the strings), however the majority of my case, meetings, correspondence etc is between myself and two managers who have not been called as witnesses. How can they defend something if they do not have a witness to defend it?
We disclosed documents this week and I was surprised to see that the respondent's list of documents was smaller than my own, it only contains letters that have been sent from either of us, and lacks emails between myself and my managers that I obviously have. I requested any documentation to be provided regarding their decision to hire my maternity cover on a permanent basis, the decision to make me redundant, how the restructuring affected the company, the handling of my flexible working request, the meetings regarding my request, the handling of my appeal and the decision to reinstate my employment. Obviously this would be emails, documents, meeting notes etc. I also asked for evidence that I had been reinstated in the company.
I have been told that they do not have any such documents. NOTHING. Am I missing something? Does this not just say 'guilty'? Why are they still proceeding with this case? I don't understand how they can have no documentation throughout all of this. Therefore they must have something to hide. And how can they possibly prove themselves in court with no evidence?
What do you think guys?
Also what happens now that I have been told that they do not have any of the documents I have requested? Do I ask them to use the email regarding this as part of the bundle of evidence so that the tribunal can see that they claim they do not have any documentation? Or do I ask the tribunal for an order regardless?
I am in a right mind to make a cost order myself. I am representing myself but understand you can make time orders. I am new mother, who suffers from depression and all the time and energy spent on this case seems to be such a waste of time. It seems apparent to me that they should be offering a settlement. Should I make a cost order?
Sorry for the life story!