My wife is currently on Maternity leave looking after our first child. She has agreed 12 months with her employer and is due to return early July.
In January she verbally asked for some flexible working considerations and her boss agreed to look into options. She didn’t receive any feedback until March when she was told to submit a written request and sent the flexible working policy. At this point she was advised ‘off the record’ that the role was full time and the answer to a flexible request would be no.
She submitted the request and below are some headline facts where I feel she is being unfairly treated. Any advice or guidance would be gratefully received.
- new forms sent after written request submitted, asked start again with new forms despite being dated after initial request
- despite repeated requests during mat leave (ML), boss will not facilitate KIT days (ignores requests rather than refuses)
- Job description changed and emailed without prior notice or discussion
- deadlines for responses and meetings constantly missed (always an apparent legitimate reason, sickness, personal issues, annual leave etc)
- advised by boss that role has changed and now requires working late with little notice (previously 9-5 role), and asked how childcare would cope with that
- told that she is the only one in the team with a dependent and that would/May mean she can’t offer what the others can
- all meetings have to be local to boss and away from wife’s place of work (80 miles away)
- part time roles have been recruited into the team during ML but not communicated to wife
- planned catch up calls always cancelled/rearranged with little or no warning
- concerns and anxiety about returning to work not addressed
- internal flexible working policy not followed
- note taker in meetings was a junior member of the same team who reports to boss (therefore not independent?)
- job share request of two days refused on business grounds with a one day lower band and salary offered as only alternative to full time return
- comment about delaying her return to work as the maternity cover contract extends beyond end of ML
in addition to the above, prior to going on ML my wife’s boss referred to her as ‘fat’ and ‘hormonal’ during the pregnancy.
Any advice on the above you be very much appreciated.
In January she verbally asked for some flexible working considerations and her boss agreed to look into options. She didn’t receive any feedback until March when she was told to submit a written request and sent the flexible working policy. At this point she was advised ‘off the record’ that the role was full time and the answer to a flexible request would be no.
She submitted the request and below are some headline facts where I feel she is being unfairly treated. Any advice or guidance would be gratefully received.
- new forms sent after written request submitted, asked start again with new forms despite being dated after initial request
- despite repeated requests during mat leave (ML), boss will not facilitate KIT days (ignores requests rather than refuses)
- Job description changed and emailed without prior notice or discussion
- deadlines for responses and meetings constantly missed (always an apparent legitimate reason, sickness, personal issues, annual leave etc)
- advised by boss that role has changed and now requires working late with little notice (previously 9-5 role), and asked how childcare would cope with that
- told that she is the only one in the team with a dependent and that would/May mean she can’t offer what the others can
- all meetings have to be local to boss and away from wife’s place of work (80 miles away)
- part time roles have been recruited into the team during ML but not communicated to wife
- planned catch up calls always cancelled/rearranged with little or no warning
- concerns and anxiety about returning to work not addressed
- internal flexible working policy not followed
- note taker in meetings was a junior member of the same team who reports to boss (therefore not independent?)
- job share request of two days refused on business grounds with a one day lower band and salary offered as only alternative to full time return
- comment about delaying her return to work as the maternity cover contract extends beyond end of ML
in addition to the above, prior to going on ML my wife’s boss referred to her as ‘fat’ and ‘hormonal’ during the pregnancy.
Any advice on the above you be very much appreciated.