I have a PayPlan debt which has been passed around for 4 years and is currently with Lowell and now Overdales. I received a letter from Overdales threatening the possibility of court action. I sent a request for a copy of the CCA and after about 6 weeks they have sent a copy of what seems to be the online agreement, payments I had made and a copy of the DN - this is dated 11 Oct and asks for payment by 25 Oct.
Along with this information, their letter asks me to reply by return,
no specific date. Am I right in thinking this is a general letter and not
a Letter Before Claim …… from reading other threads I’ve taken it that this has other forms attached for completion? Also, do they 100% have to send this or can they instigate the court route from what I take to be a general letter?
Many Thanks
Along with this information, their letter asks me to reply by return,
no specific date. Am I right in thinking this is a general letter and not
a Letter Before Claim …… from reading other threads I’ve taken it that this has other forms attached for completion? Also, do they 100% have to send this or can they instigate the court route from what I take to be a general letter?
Many Thanks