Re: Lowells Bank Overdraft Paperwork - can i ask for the agreement details?
Sorry to 'hear' about all of that; these situations can be tough to deal with, especially when someone is abusing the trust which was previously given.
If it were me, I'd attend the hearing & give a 'warts & all' in mitigation.
If money is tight, prepare an income & expenditure sheet so that, if it does go against you, you can ask for a payment plan.
One poster did so a couple of months back. The low repayments will take about 800 years to repay.
Even this gives you an advantage - you could then offer the Claimant a vastly reduced lump sum payment if they agree to discontinue or set aside the judgement. (Borrowed from some kindly benefactor, of course! :tinysmile_twink_t2
I'll ask [MENTION=87380]Diana M[/MENTION] & [MENTION=55034]nemesis45[/MENTION] to have a peek to see if they have any suggestions.
Sorry to 'hear' about all of that; these situations can be tough to deal with, especially when someone is abusing the trust which was previously given.
If it were me, I'd attend the hearing & give a 'warts & all' in mitigation.
If money is tight, prepare an income & expenditure sheet so that, if it does go against you, you can ask for a payment plan.
One poster did so a couple of months back. The low repayments will take about 800 years to repay.
Even this gives you an advantage - you could then offer the Claimant a vastly reduced lump sum payment if they agree to discontinue or set aside the judgement. (Borrowed from some kindly benefactor, of course! :tinysmile_twink_t2
I'll ask [MENTION=87380]Diana M[/MENTION] & [MENTION=55034]nemesis45[/MENTION] to have a peek to see if they have any suggestions.