Cabot and Mortimer Clarke*have created a fake debt to try to get me to restart the six years on a much older debt,We all know they lie about dates and payments to try to get cash of dead debts ...
In 2005 I had a loan that I defaulted on because of a job loss,It was then in court in 08 and I had a ccj, I stopped paying it years ago knowing if I kept dripping it I would never recover my credit file*
at the same time cabot defaulted me for the same debt and I had not checked my file for years. It ruined my life with bank accounts credit etc for many years after,So cabot bought the debt for peanuts in 08* and think I will pay it eventually NO I WONT . NOT EVER after they put me in a state of no job no bank no house.Anyway I think it is statute barred now and has gone off my file long ago .
This last few days I have received a county court looking letter for a claim for another bank account "that I have never had"! ,No warning no proof of debt [because it is a fake claim]
So for the £30 micol claim* they are trying to get me to respond so they can then restart the six years on the older debt,I refuse to pay after all these years especially after they double blacked me for the original debt.
However I do not recall any actual contact with these runts for years.How can i get these bastards reported for such blatant missuse of the county court system?
do i ignore this as they will not have any real paperwork as this is a ficticious claim as i have already stated?Will a county court judge insist on paperwork or take these parasites word for this fake account???? I will not be paying any more money in any case but these people must be held accountable for this fake claim just to try to get me to acknowledge them.
why is this dirty rotten parasite firm allowed to go on like this ???
Edit what are these capital A s that keep turning up in my thread ???
In 2005 I had a loan that I defaulted on because of a job loss,It was then in court in 08 and I had a ccj, I stopped paying it years ago knowing if I kept dripping it I would never recover my credit file*
at the same time cabot defaulted me for the same debt and I had not checked my file for years. It ruined my life with bank accounts credit etc for many years after,So cabot bought the debt for peanuts in 08* and think I will pay it eventually NO I WONT . NOT EVER after they put me in a state of no job no bank no house.Anyway I think it is statute barred now and has gone off my file long ago .
This last few days I have received a county court looking letter for a claim for another bank account "that I have never had"! ,No warning no proof of debt [because it is a fake claim]
So for the £30 micol claim* they are trying to get me to respond so they can then restart the six years on the older debt,I refuse to pay after all these years especially after they double blacked me for the original debt.
However I do not recall any actual contact with these runts for years.How can i get these bastards reported for such blatant missuse of the county court system?
do i ignore this as they will not have any real paperwork as this is a ficticious claim as i have already stated?Will a county court judge insist on paperwork or take these parasites word for this fake account???? I will not be paying any more money in any case but these people must be held accountable for this fake claim just to try to get me to acknowledge them.
why is this dirty rotten parasite firm allowed to go on like this ???
Edit what are these capital A s that keep turning up in my thread ???